Monday, September 23, 2019

Use of Nature in The Immortalist and The Cherry Orchard Essay

Use of Nature in The Immortalist and The Cherry Orchard - Essay Example Tongues learnt to move after looking at those pre designed and meaningful metaphors (Oliver 1987). Nordquist and Whales (1998) expressed the importance of metaphors and similes in text writing and explained how they enrich the material and quality of text written. According to his point of view, the similes are used to express emotions and signs. The presence of similes makes reading material more clear and entertaining for the reader. And inculcating of new similes also shows that you have a greater command and insight of your subject. In the same way, metaphors are images and shapes of objects and contents of nature. A reader can find the meaning or the imagination of scenarios the writer had, in mind, while writing by looking at those shapes and images drawn. The Immoralist by Andre Paul Guide: By reading the novel Immoralist, the author’s passion towards nature can be recognized. The written material reflects not just the outer natural beauty of the world but also the inne r nature of human beings, their feelings, their desires to have what they want around and for them. The author represented these in the accounts of how Michel used nature to bear with his inner feelings and how he achieved peace. For instance, Guide included some symbols and figures into his texts that gave answers and solution to Michel’s dilemma, and to many other readers out there facing similar problem and feelings. The author gave a marvelous concept in his novel that if a person is lost in the valley of meaninglessness, if his life is gone for the fake uncontrollable desires, he can get his life back by the fruitful control of nature and by pursuing the beauty of nature in and around him. The metaphors that demonstrate this concept and reality can be seen and enjoyed in the part where Michel describe the irrigation system in Biskra and in the taming of the wild colt at â€Å"La Morinier†. The figure of the goat boy depicts the irrigation system. Now, this image i s a symbol of nature and refers to natural beauty of land and a natural process going on for a purpose. The inherent laws of nature do contain the excess of life going forces which may lead to destruction, depriving other trees of their existence as well. The incident written in part 2, in wild colt, illustrates the same truth with its related simile drawn. Where, the beautiful animal was declared useless and dangerous by servants and Michel asks another character named Charles to help him treat gently and quite by showing some respect for that animal. The image drawn at that situation was meant to be used in contrasting situations where absence of restraining and uncontrollable nature leads to corruption and destruction. In the case of metaphor of irrigation system in Biskra, described above, was a human effort that could assist in making the nature more productive. The palm tree images in part 1 related to Michel’s wife Marceline were depicting the concept that she was weak when she got ill after she came back from their honeymoon. She needed energy to live. She could not tolerate the excess of energy around her but also was in need of a moderate level of energy in her atmosphere. This is how the author Mr. Guide put life in his novels through metaphors and symbols and made his material famous among his readers. The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov: The symbol of Cherry Orchard itself depicts the unstable political – socio environment and drastically changing traditions. Negative conditions usually

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