Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Pro-Life or Pro-Choice: Abortion Analyzed Through the Sociological Le

Throughout the course of history, many sociological issues have become relevant throughout Canada. These issues and their effects on society are part of the reason in which things are they way they are today. This research essay examines one of the most controversial sociological issues in all of history: abortion. To begin, a brief history of abortion in Canada is provided. From there, it discusses and analyzes the many laws or lack thereof regarding abortion in Canada. By analyzing the laws and legislation that has been put in place by Canadian government, it is easy to see how people can assume different positions on this topic. Throughout the first section, it also discusses women’s rights regarding birth and their bodies. Secondly, this research essay takes a look at the stigma surrounding abortion and how that has evolved over the years. By examining the way in which people view abortion, it is easier to understand this controversy and why this is such an issue in Canadi an society today. As well, we are able to examine the factors that cause such a stigma to still be present, such as religion. The next section discusses the services and programs that are available within Canada for Canadian women. These services could not only represent a bias in the healthcare community but also display a correlation between the distances of women from abortion clinics to the amount of abortions per year. Next, this essay examines the political discourse surrounding abortion and the multiple attempts that have been made to change the abortion laws in Canada. Finally, one of the most important sections of this essay discusses the major impact that abortion and abortion conflicts have on society. By viewing this issue through the sociological... ...y of chicago press, 2011, 354 p. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue Canadienne De Sociologie 50 (1): 116-20. Plumb, Alison. 2013. Research note: A comparison of free vote patterns in westminster-style parliaments. Commonwealth & Comparative Politics 51 (2) (April 2013): 254-66. Saurette, Paul, and Kelly Gordon. 2013. Arguing abortion: The new anti-abortion discourse in canada. Canadian Journal of Political Science 46 (1): 157-85. Sethna, Christabelle, and Marion Doull. 2013. Spatial disparities and travel to freestanding abortion clinics in canada. Vol. 38Elsevier. Shaw, Jessica, Tanya Basok, Jeffrey Noonan, Suzan Ilcan, Nicol A. Noel. 2013. Full-spectrum reproductive justice: The affinity of abortion rights and birth activism. Studies in Social Justice 7 (1): 201. Wright, Mills , Charles. Oxford University Press. The Sociological Imagination. 1959

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