Friday, September 27, 2019

English - Cause and Effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

English - Cause and Effect - Essay Example The concepts of causes and effects have been applied in various disciplines such as philosophy and mathematics. The relationship between causes and effects can be of a reciprocating nature, where an event can lead to certain consequences, which can then lead to the previous event. On the other hand, same causes can lead to different effects, based on the environmental factors and the circumstances surrounding such occurrences. There are various rules that govern the relationships between causes and effects. For there to be a valid relationship between the two, causes must occur before the effects. This way, the effects must be a consequence of the occurrence of causes. The other rule governing this relationship is the fact that the causes must be bordering the effects, without any dividing factors in between them. Additionally, there must be a constant union existing in the causes and the effects, in a way that the causes can play to generate the effects (Gregory, 1992). Thus accordi ng to the rules of cause and effect relationship, any difference in the results must have been generated by a difference in the causative factors. This relationship can be based on what is the contributory factor to a certain problem. In this case, when an individual faces a serious problem, there is a need to seek what could be the real cause of that problem, just before embarking on seeking the solution to that problem. This is necessary because, if individuals do not seek the real cause of the problem they face, there is a likelihood of taking actions towards solving such problems, which in real sense might not help in eliminating the problems. Thus, in a life situation, the analysis of a cause effect relationship is necessary to help amicably solve the life challenges (David, 1975). The complete analysis of the causes of a problem ensures that an individual solves such a problem the first time. This is beneficial, other than tackling an issue when the actual relationship has not been well discovered, which may end up making an individual solve an issue halfway, only to revert to the same later, when the same problem re-occurs (Gregory, 1992). In understanding the relationship between cause and effect, then an individual needs to identify an issue at hand, consider all the factors that are involved or surrounding such an issue, which could have an impact on it, narrow down to the factors most related to that issue and finally pin point the actual factors involved. This way, the causative factors are indentified, which could have caused the situation at hand (Pearl, 2000). The cause-effect relationship has been widely applied in the religious front. This application has occurred in the form of religious doctrines upholding the viewpoint that for every action that, an individual commits, then there must be a corresponding effect. This way, in religion, any good deed will result to good results, while any bad one will give rise to bad implications on the part of the individual involved in the deeds (Pearl, 2000). Such doctrines upholds the viewpoint that the actions individuals do, either good or bad, will have an effect on such individuals, either in this life, or in the life after. More to this relationship, the religious doctrines provides for an explanation in the consideration of intent, rather than the actual act. Thus according to the religious doctrines, the intention of an individual, rather than the

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