Thursday, September 26, 2019

FNB Lunch Evaluation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

FNB Lunch Evaluation - Assignment Example I would say that the greeting of guests met expectations. I say this because the staff certainly did their job in making everyone feel welcome, but they did not go above and beyond that which was expected. In addition, I did feel as if much of the greeting activity was much too rehearsed. It seems to me that guests should feel truly valued and that the staff sincerely appreciates their presence. This can be accomplished by more individualized greetings, rather than memorized and rehearsed innuendos. The individual that greeting me certainly smiled and had a happy demeanor, but not much eye contact was maintained. That being said, I certainly cannot flaw their performance as I certainly felt welcome and well received, just not enough to warrant a score of ‘exceeding expectations’. When considering the seating of guests, I would certainly comment that this activity exuded expectations. While the process was also a bit rehearsed, that is exactly what it should have been like in this situation. Servers walked each guest to their table, pulled customer chairs out in a respectable manner, and allowed the guess to be comfortably seated before presenting them with a menu. Once each guest, myself certainly included, had the menu then the server informed everyone of what the next step in the process should be. Since all of the steps were expected of them according to the rubric, I would certainly comment that the seating of guests exceeded expectations. After getting settled and having had a moment to hear the process for ordering, a service person asked for our drink orders. For this category, I would have to give the rating of ‘approaching expectations’ as only 2 of the 4 suggested activities was completed during this stage of the ordering process. While there were no children at the table, the server did ask the ladies what drinks they wanted first. They also effectively utilized a pivot point.

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