Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Creating Tastier and Healthier Fruits and Veggies with a Modern Article

Creating Tastier and Healthier Fruits and Veggies with a Modern Alternative to GMOs - Article Example Furthermore, he highlights on the effects of repeated use of these chemicals, as weeds would have become resistant to this chemicals and thus hard to get rid of and as a result, this has served to decrease the yields and at times no yields at all. What is sowing change? It can be described as the process of improving vegetables and fruits for instance tomatoes through artificially breeding different plants to create a new species with new traits How has the use of technology fostered the improvement in quality of yields in fruits? Through the employment of modern techniques of agriculture for instance artificial breeding, there has been a development of new species of fruits for instance many chilly flavours which have improved quality of yields. How are the traditional modes of farming relevant to this day and age? They serve as a basis through which research can be carried out. For instance, in a bid to improve on seeds, one must first study the one in use before developing new one. In conclusion, genetically engineered organisms are harmful to the health of individuals and thus there is the need to incorporate and employ alternative ways of improving fruit and vegetables and consequently,

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