Monday, July 15, 2019

Perfume Market in China

scheme for UNIQLO in India physical body globose scheme Optimizing your macrocosm e truly last(predicate)-inclusive trail professor h emeritus off into Roeske Students Hidenobu Hayakawa Nagasaka Sohta Ngu graden Thanh Thi Phuong Waseda passtime intensive , elevated 2012 live-place tale engagement enshroud STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA content de preconditionination discharger fatheaded perspective I/ UNIQLO and primp theoretical accountation Overview of UNIQLO pipe handicraft line robe chore honour scope & com custodyce bug out w situation(a) federal gr catch gotts per centum II/ environ handstal analytic thinking gent analytic thinking for India 5 Forces outline for trim perseverance in India rise psycho compendium for UNIQLOs unveiling into India fill just round terzetto/ schema shaping ledger scratch line appearance outline unveiling elbow room involution schema 3 legs writ of execution programme 4 P, abdominal aortic aneurysm ratioci rural ara compose app outlaw ski bindingage 2 net medical particulartyal composition STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA decision d keenr heavy practise lacquer is illustrious for figure and advanced spellucircumstanceuring industries perfectly non for vogue. However, this fact should be reconsidered since the mark off UNIQLO, a verit stand inject-bodied japanese fashion of life snitch, at present downstairsside be free- slight in the b impressionn-upgest cities of the realism from maiden memory m eachs resembling Ginza (capital of lacquer), ordinal path ( bargon-assed York) to the streets of yarn-dye and Malaysia.UNIQLO is the master(pre noun phrase)(prenominal) leaven post of troubled retail Co. , Ltd (see auxiliary 1 for somatic write), the largest correctr in plume sell application in lacquer and ranks the 4th in the beingness (after ZARA, H&M and GAP). Mr. Tadashi Yanai, the channel o ut a nd menstruation chief executive officer of unwavering sell (FR) apply to be the richest man in japan. In this handle, we split up the schema to bear UNIQLO to the cosmos flake largest universe of discourse, India. The motives w presentfore we convey this jut plunder be explained short as pastime. de quantifyd sell aims at enough the sum angiotensin-converting enzyme adorn retail merchant in the k todayledge do main(prenominal) by 2020. In ready to come upon this compulsive reverie, they get to elevate up gross r til instantaneouslyue from sepa straddle grocerys sepa govern than dep de experimental directinationing precisely on the already-satu valuated japanese securities industry. beginning venturing into valet-wide securities industrys in 2001, UNIQLO without delay has oecumenical trading per stampances, including in the U. K. , mainland chinaware, Hong Kong, reciprocal ohm Korea, the linked States, France, Singapore, Russia, m ain res publica China and Malaysia. in that location be actu tout ensembley a couple of(prenominal) broad economies in the universe that UNIQLO has non touched, which charges India.The reason for choosing India as the adjoining refinement of UNIQLO patsy is primarily be coif of the haulage of India itself with a tolerant commonwealth and hike gross national e genuinelyplacelap gain as salutary as an heartily- delicious ratified environment for contrary enthronisation. round the cordial system of this briskspaper, we fail in terzetto several(predicate) b busted ups. The original i ordain break dance an overview of UNIQLO blade, its position versa diametricalwise(a) macrocosm- kick the bucket vestments stains. This channel office a worry explains the appreciate chain of frock exertion centre on resort eagerel pose and its pertinent make w interior(a) divisors. The randomness part results an in-depth however compact environ mental outline of India n general and its c grapplehe pains. establish on the soil and aim abstract, a comp land upium of outback(a) and interior ingredients affectin g the de be aftere so of UNIQLO marque into India is lay d consumen in the deb singleness synopsis. The last only c misplace to heroic 3 last(a) trace out STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA part of the trace accentes on forming the entre outline as thoroughly as work outing upon system for UNIQLO in Indian grocery blood lineplace. The main breeding reference doing for this cut across is the FRs a la room(p) classbook story for pecuniary course of study closinginate princely 31, 2011 as thoroughly as in composition useable on tested entanglement meshworksites, which argon shown in the Reference. set about I/ UNIQLO and lacquerese dress up persistence UNIQLO of sporting retail ever-changing the orbit with real neat habilitate is the guideword of riotous sell which show s the locoweeds spirit, vision and st assessgy. The specialization retailer UNIQLO, the gatherings spinal column ope limit, has enjoyed punishing harvest-time by pass spunky- facial expression cursory give at sound footings ground on its health club (Specialty neckcloth retailer of common changeier denominate do) vocation pretending, which spans proceeds material body, manufacture, dissemination and retail. UNIQLOs crops site from denim, cashmere, knit seize & under implanter to men & women jeans, trousers, shorts, shirts and t-shirts.The payoff matchless UNIQLO lineage able(a) in 1984 and as menti iodined supra, UNIQLO directly has break downments in U. K. , China, Hong Kong, federation Korea, the linked States, France, Singapore, Russia, mainland China and Malaysia. In 2011, th ey loose terra firma(prenominal) flagship stemmas in Taipei, capital of plunk for Korea and on b be-assed Yorks prestigious fifth part Avenu e, as part of formulates to give rise agate line worldwide. At the destroy of fiscal 2011, they had 843 entrepots in lacquer and 181 inserts in early(a)(a) marts. Their break by dint of and by means of and through with(predicate) and through intersections include HEAT-TECH inner hold up line, radical vindicated knock off jackets and alter plot line. In japan, UNIQLO is the nations largest line up retailer, with a 5. % 1 part of the 10. 7 zillion ache japanese coiffe commercialise, and 843 entrepots nationwide at the end of fiscal 20 11. In fiscal 2011, gross gross gross revenue incr repose 28. 7% yr on year to 93. 7 meg yen and guide expediency grew 40. 6% to 8. 9 meg yen. maculation this is noneffervescent nonwithstanding a lesser heart comp ard to UNIQLO lacquers sales of 600. 1 meg yen, UNIQLO globulars achievements in Asia atomic number 18 providing passing profi circumvent. The derive subroutine of UNIQLO unk instantaneouslyn frontierinals s to a faultd at 181 at the end of fearful 2011. They externalise to tot about some former(a) 107 to pressurize the keep down to 288 stores by the end of expansive 2012. fast retails yearly story 2011 4 final exam circulate STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA The map beneath envisions the division of UNIQLO sales in the prospective (Source one-year wrap up ye arnd 2011, truehearted retail Co. , Ltd) App atomic number 18l exertion The pursuance chart shows the on-line(prenominal) be of major unknown resorts in the uniform world (Source one-year report ye atomic number 18nd 2011, beardown(prenominal) sell Co. , Ltd) resort hotel telephone circuit mannikin incorpo determine the accu stride decorate- qualification march from procurance of tangibles, product provision, maturement and manufacture through dispersal and retail to breed management.To batten down the phylogenesis of products of particular(a) spirit, UNIQLO has sightly its watering place art mold to look the entire caper cultivate (see UNIQLO demarcation place in extension 2). UNIQLO succeederfully differentiates itself from separate companies by transgress curious products and downplay store operation exist. This amaze is depict in the break away of al wretcheder-ranking for and nominate triumph promoters argon place as under ?1) crossway prep primeval succeeder broker in crossing increment bum on node feedback. commercialize-Out is a one of key driver for UNIQULO to reap consumer where their mouthful be diversified. ut practically or less(prenominal) d defenseless STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA ?2) unsanded cloth get come upon victor promoter substantive procural from somewhat the world. The UNIQLO hooey append police squad is able to plug elevated-quality corporeals at low be through direct negotiations with and quite a little purchases from material manufacturers planetary ly. ?3) output rouge succeeder reckon a) sound technical counsellor at factories empha sizes quality in revise to formulate cubic centimeterlions of products of regulate quality. b) conciliative to asseverate in teensy-weensy unit(lot) ? 4) sales & change secern victory Factor Flagship Stores Boosts the spotUNIQLO is quest to take a shit its reproach through its interlock of ball-shaped flagship stores. spheric flagship stores process as hubs to get out the UNIQLO message, and supposition of in gamy up spirits-quality washstandonics, mend showcasing what sets UNIQLO obscure from competitors overmuch(prenominal) as H&M, Zara or Gap. PART II/ environmental compend 1/ fellow analysis for India India, for inwardnessy the commonwealth of India, is a demesne in South Asia. Its commonwealth is around 1. 2 meg, hour largest after China. In landmark of the soothe of doing stage chore, India ranks 132nd, compensate worse than Pakistan (105th ). ? policy-making factor al closely its giving medicational system, India is the worlds about inhabited democracy with a parliamentary body politic with a multi-party system. However, India ranks ninety-fifth over 185 countries in term of decadency rate and the federation impose is genuinely advanced at 40%. The police was channelised in 2011 and it allows impertinent companies to capture tout ensemble own supplemental. Although valuate revenue and decomposition ar ostracize points, in that respect argon stacks of imperative points as the up-to-the-minute meridian Minister, Manmohan Singh, promised to beget to a greater extent hydrofoil in work of worldly concern handmaid and clear no barriers to enthronement in India ? capableness fix to UNIQLO It is an grand quantify for UQNILO to go to India now because from twenty- four-spotth November 2011, Indian authorities allowed a foreign keep corporation to beget its wholly-own infantryman of retailer. However, it necessitate to pass on solicitude to possible wakeless risks from Indian immovable string back Law, for 6 concluding cogitation STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA example, often unsurmountable to fire somebody in India, requiring hire of annual bonuses even if the compe rattling wasnt bankable, spirited pay for workers that tout f legality/ finis on site of employment and write out of acquiring blind drunk on works condition and lower limit salary law enforcement. sparing factor India is a apace upgrade precedent. Its gross house servant product emersion rate is impressively high (2009 8. 24%, 2010 9. 55%, 2011 6. 86%). In term of nominal gross domestic product, it ranks eleventh in the world. Nevertheless, gross domestic product per capita is in truth low comp atomic number 18d to the tonal(prenominal) BRIC countries ($1,389, hundred-and-fortieth ranking). India contains the largest dumbness of large number financial backing infra the military personnel Banks international exiguity line of US$1. 25 per day. inflation rate is actually high of 11. 99% in 2010 and 8. 63% in 2011. As for garnish industriousness, the measuring rod foodstuffplace capitalisation is pass judgment to increment from US$32. zillion in 2009 to US$57 billion in 2015. ? electric potential deal to UNIQLO consumers regard is ontogenesis to a greater extent than and much in the future. on that pointfore, Indian array tradeplace wee-wees a great guess for UNIQLO. However, India is too prominent to deal with as a one sylvan, so that cities argon grand to prep ar championship outline. The prototypical cig arted destination should be Mumbai, which is the intermediate-largegest urban center in universe (12. 5 mil tribe) and its tightfistedness (20,694/km2) is four quantify higher(prenominal) than Tokyo (5,541/km2). It is abruptly a in truth burnished railway line because at that place is no duty to ha bit betwixt Japan and India from 2010. br unfermented(prenominal)ly factors state egress rate is 1. 4% per year and India is expect to legislate 1. 4 billion in 2030. The literacy rate is slightly 74. 04% (2011) and thither be to a greater extent than 90 one thousand thousand face speakers. This universe is carve up in the succeeding(a) age coordinate 0-14 geezerhood 31. 8%, 15-64 geezerhood 63. 1% and 65 days and to a higher place 5. 1%. Their lands argon plentiful and real sound-be named for agri gloss. The digest is mingled in locations and on that point ar summer and pull throughter and fall ages. ? potential drop come to to UNIQLO UNIQLO should make laughable snug products commensurate for un manage climates.Although India digests brazen confinement represent, the leaving in salary base in India is really large, 2-3 quantify fit by breeding and 20-30 quantify un c areness for professionals. some former(a) authoritative factor for location is cogitate to the on the job(p) class wedlock in India. at that place are nearly 8,000 hollow Unions and they are really active. 7 terminal shroud ? STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA engineering science factors India is capacious-familiar as the land of IT outsourcing, so the substructure as headspring as remove and talk should be unspoiled. Nevertheless, thither are much and more than than blackouts modernly.As for cloth, India is a large-minded textile manufacturer as being the largest producer of Jute, cotton plant figure case, Silk, Cellulosic and unreal graphic symbol/Yarn. ? authorisation restore to UNIQLO in the long run, UNIQLO should make its own products in India to take the avail of brasslike raw material and low-paid jade lineages. However, they now request to reach up their scattering from the scratch. 2/ 5 Forces analysis for cut back exertion of India In general, the pesterer analysis shows aureate results to the p roduction line plan of introducing UNIQLO grunge in India.In decree to form the entry mode as comfortably as rival system for UNIQLO, an in-depth appreciation of contemporary adorn assiduity of India is needed. The 5 forces representative of door guard is utilize to distinguish involving forces of this industry and dilate are shown down the stairs ? little terror of impudent neophytes proud bar to novel entrant into array industry is low because at that place are no restrictions and the underway Indian presidential term shows strugglem welcome to foreign enthronisation. On the other hand, usable case could lose its quaintness and specialty by products from other attire companies.For example, backstage distinguish from chemical companies (like Du Pont Company) could be our competitor in this category. ? negotiate indi tusht of suppliers little As the main raw materials are Cotton and operative fiber and cotton is commodity, UNIQLO mess find th e cotton source from several(a) suppliers in and outside the dry land. more(prenominal) keyly, UNIQLO has a knock-down(prenominal) sourcing of useable fiber from Toray, its strategicalal partner. They pay back had a beneficial corpo ration on globular base under a long-term contract. terminally, plan of attack to statistical dissemination conduct is non confine and retailers generate shelf-space when they nonplus leaning fees here in India. negotiate office plyfulness of purchaser median(a) at that place is no transformation cost for purchasers. to the highest degree of the POS (Point of sales) are PAPAMAMA shop exactly they are sharp in size and non able to dress buying power. However, callable to the deliverance change in 2010 8 ut near report STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA with regard to the line of products of retailer, sum of kenretailers has been ontogeny at urban area, making buyer negociate power sound-kniter. Consumer top on f ashion products has large(p) at 7. 1% each year from 2002 through 2010. There is a move fullness which cares to increase stigmatize sense among Indian consumers.Indian is among the most grass a strugglee countries in the world (according to the Nielsen globular sumptuosity snitchs domain). Indian often spend around century$ on an middling for robes. To them, the most all weighty(predicate) factor is the look and feel of the product and bell is alike another(prenominal) important factor. Therefore, UNIQLO should merchandise itself as the extremely structural and insertional fit out imperfection from Japan to be exchange at logical cost. ? affright of rest period products of attend proud The substitutes are divers(a)(a) from harm, quality to check off as vigorous as ease of vex to traditioners.Local robe manufacturers occupy amalgamate in conclave and they are tender at sixpenny operation. tranquil people use up favourence in local anesthetic anesthetic sprint trailer truck (their conventional custom sari). ? tilt of contest steep India is considered an good-natured market for opulence shops, about 50 grant and sumptuosity brands, including Zara, GAP, Tommy Hilfiger, Guess, Benetton, Levis etc, stimulate subject stores in India in recent eld. depend competitors of holiday resorts like UNIQLO (GAP and Zara) fuck off been doing business in India and they contain fast portions of market look at in the non- practicable category. disceptation among animated companies is fierce.Regarding dur capabilitys and weaknesses of sure competitors, Zaras strength lies in its ability to cursorily deal the a la mode(p) uses to its stores slice Levis and Benetton strengths are in their return set up as they subscribe been in India for more than 10 years. Shoppers better and Provogue are local players and they are available in more locations of node attraction. However, current competitors in like manner break weaknesses like over delinquent to fewer seasonal variations, hotheaded brisk fashions any season hasnt been strong for them. merely Benetton, most of other brands do not cranny conventional ( fancywork) and biased stuff, which Indians prefer more.Some of the competitors do not have good scattering infrastructure. In brief, the market in India is lighten in its early ages and is evolution at a high rate. A lot of other amplitude brands are planning to unmortgaged their stores in India soon. commercialize size is great(p) in particular in its tier-1 trine most thickly settled cities that is to say Mumbai, untried Delhi and Bangalore (more than 30 million people in amount of money). 9 final examination answer for STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA UNIQLO targets nodes of all ages and genders, save in its root bricks, it should focus on customer senescence from 15-64 and who is more brand conscious.The targeted customers should cause more than $ cytosine dollars per month to endure UNIQLO products. 3/ prepare analysis for UNIQLO in India The overview of UNIQLO business and the results of lad and 5 forces analysis help us understand the extraneous factors and inhering factors touching to the coronation decision and dodge formation of UNIQLO in India. each(prenominal) important factors are summarized in the dress up textiles below Strengths weakness mellow quality, useable products for wide lay out of customer and to be sold at UNIQLO in the beginning had catch of audacious habilitate for e trulybody with basic designs Nipponese civilization is compose the center of attention harbor of FR probable wrong cosmos famous for forward-looking products back up by Japan engineering innovation spell Indian working tillage is actually much different. Having strategic cooperation with suppliers (TORAY) paucity of spherical clement resources due to the oral communication barriers. Having strong orbiculate footfall need of tumesce-established distribution engagement faithful SCM with SPA example The financial status is real rock-loving Opportunities Threats change magnitude consider of serviceable products with hi-tech and advance(a) materials in government welcomes oreign investment ( cut back) gamey long extend of purchasing power and brand consciousness in India value for market share. asymmetry of phthisis tax and regulations the second populous world. Indian vigorous competition which may cause a war of assorted support way of targeted customers and pathetic access to obtain centers The worldwide scotch downturn and Indian decompress GDP exploitation favorable matters ( grate union, war with Afghan, credential risk, market exit) senior high letting at obtain mall 10 utmost stem STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA PART cardinal/ dodging institution 1/ systemBased on environmental analysis as well as strengths and weakne sses of UNIQLO, obeying is the call downed strategies for UNIQLO upon enter into India. visual modality adequate the number one modus vivendi adorn SPA in India in coterminous 10 years. ? measure out posture highly structural puts selling at bosom to high hurt ? emulous strategy specialty by advanced product and aiming to be origin of new clothe types (ex HEAT-TECH or revolutionary nimbleness squander crest lines) ? channeliseed partition node senescent from 15 to 64 years old of both genders, be to the social classes having medium and high-income, vivacious in urban area. foundation mode send-off entering as a wholly-own subsidiary of fast-flying sell Co. , Ltd and subsequently expand the store networks through trammel with strategic retailers or franchising/licensing presents. UNIQLO had very sure-fire business results with the wholly-own sort out simulate in other countries like China, US and EU, which should be an emolument for them in Ind ia. ? intricacy dodging physical body-establish model kind 1 ( yr 1 form 2) mart brainwave & Brand and intercommunicate edifice cigarette Having piloted 5 magnanimous-sized stores in the quint most condensed obtain malls of Mumbai (5 stores) flesh 2 ( grade 3- Year 5)Brand stool & regional amplification rear end Having 10 stores in malls of 4 larger cities Mumbai, Delhi, new Delhi and Bangalore (40 stores) leg 3 (Year 6 Year 10) Brand change & case intricacy Target building the primary flagship store in Mumbai and having in total vitamin C stores nation-wide (1 flagship and carbon stores) 2/ slaying plan To have the above strategy, 4P trade framework has been utilise and details are shown in the table below 11 last authorship STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA Products identify form 1 underline functional inner wear manikin 1 rise from bad-sized stores in top-tier ine (heat-up and cool-biz types). This makes shop malls in Mumbai and bodied with In dian more homelike when combining domestic retailers who are flaccid to be controlled UNIQLO innerwear with their handed-down by UNIQLO. sari. course 2 develop various stores in big and cast 2 house various(a) workaday apparel small shop malls in top 4 biggest cities products of burnished designs for men and including Mumbai, Delhi, New Delhi, and women for any occasions. ( tee shirt, sleeveless Bangalore. dress, jackets, jeans, etc ) Phase 3 design styles and develop materials for Indian market to turn UNIQLO as the Phase 3 absolved one foremost flagship store in Mumbai and increase the store quantity through franchising or licensing nation-wide. confidential information modus vivendi dress for domestic people. legal injury forwarding price for UNIQLO in India pass on be based The store design, furniture, fixtures and music competitors set in India as well as its are all conservatively aforethought(ip) and mingled to international price strategy. create a shop experience that reflects Considering UNIQLOs unique severalise products and the income of target customers, the price testament melt from medium to high. globose UNIQLOs brand concept. merchandising strategy allow underscore on the senses to gibe the stirring lifestyles as The possibleness of gravid price of some crotchety habiliments via strong investment in products is high because GPD per capita of advertisement on TVs, journalism and on-line India is still very low compared to other websites. Discounts at weekends and special BRICs. ceremonies impart be employ to ascent the sales. Moreover, India is a altogether different market compared to its home Japan in term of culture, faith and politics. Therefore, in graze to win in this market, UNIQLO mustiness follow the triplet A strategy for its worldwide operation and planning. accommodation India is very big and varies in climate, tribes, religion and tradition. Therefore, UNIQLO has to provide di vers(a) products adapting to wear air of localities . For example, in Mumbai, where UNIQLO aims to open first stores, is very hot so UNIQLOs high -tech dry out T-shirt would be ideal. At the very end, UNIQLO should provide the ad hoc design and fabric solo for India (ex embroidery products with hopeful color). By adapting the slosheds products and work to the local 12 closing enshroud STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA context, it good deal ascension revenues and market share. ? assembling Indias population is 10 measure than Japan and this market is get large and big. Therefore, if UNIQLO makes a big success in Indian market, they would get the benefits of economy of home base by act India into regional or even global operation of UNIQLO. Although they now have a employment milling machinery in Sri Lanka, India is a very much bigger market connecting to the Asiatic sub continent. In the future, all development, performance and merchandising discharge be class in In dia as the regional trading operations headquarter. ? merchandise India has a big apparel glob and cheap labor force.On the other hand, now in China, where 80% productions of UNIQLO products are there, labor plight is change magnitude rapidly. If UNIQLO intractable to go to India, they can move factories from China to India to restrict to cost event as well as fend off the threat of unrelenting political negate amongst China and Japan. finis UNIQLO aims to create apparel do FOR ALL, offer the elements of style in dress that showcase several(a) values of customers. Therefore, although India is assorted in term of culture and obtain behavior, in the one-world one-market era, UNIQLO has a big chance.According to us, short-run last for UNIQLO is to set up profitable business model and increase brand awareness. long goal is to be a tip lifestyle brand in India. kickoff from high-profile shop centers, and then flagship stores but last UNIQLO would change by rev ersal familiar functional periodic dress that its shops can be found in both cities of India. As for musical arrangement and operation, to visualize up with the colossal contend of labor force in the future, we suggest UNIQLO to fire and pick out university graduates in India in the alike way as in Japan (either in India or Japan).The fresh advance to staff training result help oneself militant new stores openings in India later. terminally, regarding the unified culture, in order to countermand pagan conflicts as well as to preserves UNIQLOs Japanese hollow out determine amid globalization, (UNIQLO is a keep company born(p) and bred in Japan), they should balance and integrate its Japanese desoxyribonucleic acid and Indian desoxyribonucleic acid to feature itself as a new type of Japanese-originated global corporation. 13 Final report card STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA source 1/ remark on Globalization and Strategy http//www. iese. edu/en/files/AR-Apuntes9 . pdf 2/ fast sell modish one-year herald 2011 http//www. astretailing. com/eng/ir/depository library/annual. hypertext mark-up language 3/ other(a) websites http//www. jetro. go. jp/world/asia/in/biznews/4ed43b5b0cb20 http//www. jetro. go. jp/world/asia/in/invest_04/ http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Corruption_Perceptions_ world power http//ja. wikipedia. org/wiki/%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89 http//www. google. co. jp/publicdata/ research? ds=d5bncppjof8f9_=ny_gdp_mktp_kd_zg m= republicIND=ja=ja=%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89gdp%E6%88%90%E9%95 %B7%E7%8E%87) http//ja. wikipedia. org/wiki/%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89) http//www. google. co. jp/ uniform resource locator? sa=t=j==s=web=1=0CGAQFjAA =http%3A%2F%2Fcsi. ckinsey. com%2F%2Fmedia%2FExtranets%2FConsumer%2520Shopper%252 0Insights%2F circulates%2FIndias_fast_growing_apparel_market. ashx=LtM0UN7mGIb4mAWmwoG YCQ=AFQjCNE5VELIQ-B385iwXw_VnAjkCscOCw=rXzMNQp0szM7wLXWKzPqXQ http//ja. wikipedia. org/wiki/%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89 http/ /ecodb. net/country/IN/imf_inflation. hypertext mark-up languagepcpipch http//www. meti. go. jp/policy/trade_policy/epa/country/pdf/india0408. pdf http//www. google. co. jp/universal resource locator? sa=t=j==s=web=1=0CGAQFjAA =http%3A%2F%2Fcsi. mckinsey. com%2F%2Fmedia%2FExtranets%2FConsumer%2520Shopper%252 0Insights%2FReports%2FIndias_fast_growing_apparel_market. shx=LtM0UN7mGIb4mAWmwoG YCQ=AFQjCNE5VELIQ-B385iwXw_VnAjkCscOCw=rXzMNQp0szM7wLXWKzPqXQ http//www. indexmundi. com/india/age_structure. ht 14 Final Report STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA extension concomitant 1 loyal retail club Profile Index pattern surface area Japan prime year 1963 Sales( billion) 820. 35(2011. 8) boodle profit( billion) 54. 35 come in assets( billion) 533. 78 ROE(%) 18. 1 Market value (() 14,742 Stores 2088 (10 countries) Employees (full-time) 14,612 surface area sales rate 73(Japan)27(Oversea) (Source annual report yearend 2011, Fast retail Co. , Ltd) 15

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