Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Interview with an Older Adult

Virginia Western Community College Practical Nursing Program Spring 2013 NUR 135-PN Drug Dosage Calculation Review of Problem Areas Reconstitution of Non-injectable Solutions Prepare the following nutritional solutions for the designated time period. 1. Order: 1/2 strength Isomil 6 oz. p. o. q4h for 24 hours. How much formula and water will you use to prepare a 24-hour supply of feeding? 2. Order: 1/2 strength Ensure 8 oz via nasogastric tube to be given over 8 hrs. How much formula and water will you use to prepare this feeding? 3. Order:1/4 strength Jevity 300 mL via G-tube q6h.How much formula and water is needed to prepare enough feeding for your 8-hour shift? 4. Order: 400 mL of 1/4 strength Ensure over 6 hours via nasogastric tube. Supply: Ensure 240 mL cans. How much formula and water is needed to prepare this feeding? 5. Order: Irrigate wound with 50 mL of 1/2 strength hydrogen peroxide and normal saline q4h while awake. How much hydrogen peroxide and NS will you use to prepa re this solution for each treatment? 6. Order: 1/2 strength Ensure 16 ounces by gastrostomy tube over 4 hrs. Add ________mL of Ensure and ______mL of water to make the desired solution. 7. Order: 3/4 strength Sustacal 400 mL p. . q. i. d. Add _________mL of Sustacal and ______mL of water to make the desired solution. IV Calculations 1. Order: 500 mL NS IV to infuse @ 250 mL/hr. The IV tubing has a drop factor of 10 gtt/mL. You do not have an IV pump available. Calculate the drops per min you would set this IV to run. 2. Order: 1 L of O. 9% NaCl IV to infuse over 6 hours. You will use a microdrop set to administer the IV fluid. What is the flow rate in gtts/min? 3. Order: 1000 mL 0. 45% NaCl to infuse over 12 hours. At what flow rate will you set the infusion pump? 4. Order: Kefzol 1. 5 g IV PB diluted in 100 mL D5W to infuse in 20 min.You are using a 10 drop/mL set. What is the flow rate in gtt/min? 5. Order: Ancef 2 g in 100 mL D5W IVPB in 30 min to be administered by infusion pump . At what rate do you set the infusion pump? Pediatric Dosage 1. Order: Phenobarbital 45 mg p. o. b. i. d. Child’s weight 35 lb. Recommended dosage is 6 mg/kg/day q12h Supply dosage: Phenobarbital 50 mg/mL How many milliliters should be given per q12h dose? _________ 2. Gentamicin 45 mg IV q8h is ordered for a child weighing 45 lb. Recommended dosage is 6 to 7. 5 mg/kg/day in three divided dosages. The available supply of gentamicin is 100 mg/mL.How many mL of gentamicin should be given per dose? __________ 3. Order: Penicillin VK 56 mg/kg/day p. o. in 4 divided doses Child’s weight is 55 lbs. Available: Penicillin VK 125 mg/5 mL How many milliliters should be given per dose? _________ 4. Order: Rocephin 200 mg q8h p. o. Supply: Rocephin 500 mg/mL Recommended dosage is 75-150 mg/kg per day Child weighs 15. 4 lb Is this a safe order? If safe, how many milliliters should be given per dose? _________ 5. Order: SoluMedrol 1. 5 mg/kg is ordered for a child weighing 74. 8 lb s. Supply: SoluMedrol 125 mg/2 mL How many milliliters should the nurse administer? ________ Reconstitution of Injectable Solutions 1. Order: Kefurox 0. 75 g IV q12h Available: [pic] a. How many milliliters of diluent will you add to reconstitute the solution? _____ b. How many milliliters will you administer? _____ 2. Order: Ancef 0. 275 g IM q6h (See label below. ) a. Reconstitute with _______mL diluent b. What is the dosage strength of the prepared solution? _________ c. Give: ________ [pic] 3. Order: cefazolin 450 mg IM q. 8h (See label below. ) a. Reconstitute with ________mL diluent. b. What is the dosage strength of the prepared solution? __________ c. Give: _____________ pic] 4. Order: Penicillin G potassium 450,000 units IM at 7am Available: [pic] a. What is the total dosage strength of the vial? _____ b. Which concentration would be appropriate to mix for the ordered dose? _____ c. How much diluents must be added to make the appropriate concentration? _____ d. How many mil liliters will you administer? ________ Conversions 1. gr v = ________mg 2. 15 mg = gr ________ 3. 40 mg = gr ________ 4. gr 1/5 = _______ mg 5. gr 1/150 = _______ mg 6. 50 mg = gr ________ 7. 5 lbs 12 ounces = ______kg 8. 18 lb = ________kg 9. 24. 2 kg = ________ lb 10. 6 lb 4 oz = ________kg

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