Thursday, July 25, 2019

Critiquing evidence based practice research Article

Critiquing evidence based practice research - Article Example The research seeks to identify the accuracy of different BP measurement devices in hospitalised patients suffering from heart rhythm disorder. The problem of accuracy in the results from different measurement methods lacks significance since in general nursing practice; BP measurement is performed using the automated non-invasive devices for hospitalised patients. The manual non-invasive devices are commonly utilised in outpatient sections of the hospitals. While the quantitative approach of research remains appropriate for this kind of research, a better analysis would have been making comparison between different automated BP measurement devices. This would be significant to the nursing profession as these are the devices utilised in all hospitals in acquiring the blood pressure of hospitalised patients(Pickering et al. 2005). The utilisation of automated devices within the hospital environment has been preferred because of patient comfort. Discomforts might cause patient movements , which result in blood pressure alteration.The research question has been stated explicitly within the context of the research. Explanations offered for development of the research questions and subsequent research variable identified within the research have also been clearly stated. The materials utilised in reviewing the existing condition have significant relevance to the study, and clearly identify the problem as defined by the researchers. The available information regarding the problem being researched justifies the need to undertake further research on the identified problem. This would provide increased understanding of the factors contributing to occurrence of the problem stated. The conceptual framework and rationale behind the study have been appropriately identified within the research the identification of the variables and research problem has been based primarily on the utilised academic sources of reference for the research. Methods The study was undertaken in a co mmunity hospital with the approval of the hospital’s investigational review board. The approval granted by this board signifies accreditation of the study, and subsequent satisfaction of the requirements stipulated by the institution in undertaking professional studies. Despite the approval from the investigational board, the patients’ rights might have been violated as they were not informed of any research being undertaken. The information provided to the researchers was provided in agreement with the institution and lacked approval or acceptance from the patients. The privacy agreement by the hospital not to divulge patients’ information became breached by providing details of patients’ conditions, which the researchers utilised in making their sample selection. The study was not subjected to external reviewing except by the hospital board. While the study takes actions to prevent patient risk, it presents no

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