Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Autism A Long Term Mental Disorder - 1034 Words

Autism was discovered 60 years ago it has been puzzling, fascinating and massively researched. In 2001 the University of Birmingham in collaboration with the West Midlands Autistic Society and the Autism Services Accreditation Programme initiated the journal Good Autism Practice. Along with many publications by parent organizations. While it was at first thought that autism might be an early form of childhood schizophrenia, by 1979 this idea was left and deserted. Schizophrenia is a long term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the reaction between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to inaccurate perception inappropriate actions delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation. Changing the title and scope of the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorder in 1979 its then editors, Eric Schopler, Michel Rutter and Stella Chess, Stressed Knner’s emphasis on developmental distortions in autism, the increasing evidence of links between autism and other developme ntal disorders, as well as the association of autism with specific medical conditions. The journal was from then and on concerned with a wider range of development issues to clarify the similarities and differences between the various distortions of the developmental process (Wolff, S. 2004). Autism is a complex development disorder that can begin at any point in childhood, from early infancy onward, and which can last throughout a person’s lifetime. The term â€Å"autism† is used to designate a group ofShow MoreRelatedAutism Is A Matter Of Passionate National Debate1197 Words   |  5 Pages†¢ In the past two decades or so, autism has changed from being a condition nobody had even heard about to widely recognized mental health condition. Due to widespread use of internet, social media and smartphones everybody knows something about autism. Just searching for autism in Google brings up more than 68 million results. Autism has become a matter of passionate national debate among different stake holders such as government, public health agencies, mental health associations, non-profit organizationsRead MoreGenetic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders1556 Words   |  7 PagesAutism is a cognitive disorder that occurs in the first three years of lif e and affects many children and adults today. 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Fortunately, it is usually not as serious as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, but nonetheless it is a great stress for both the kid, their family and peopl e around them. According to the reports by the U. S. Surgeon General and the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (2010), four million children and adolescents in this country suffer from a serious mental disorder that causes significant functional impairments at homeRead MoreDifferentiating the Diagnosis Between Autism and Aspergers Disorders1113 Words   |  5 PagesTwenty years ago, we seldom heard of the terms Autism or Aspergers Syndrome. Today the terminology seems to be as well known as the words Schizophrenia or Down Syndrome . Most of us know someone who has a relative with one of these disorders, or have a child or a relative ourselves who has been diagnosed. While the terms are recognizable, these disorders are relatively new to the ordinary citizen. The knowledge of the cause, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment are even further limited. For those

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