Sunday, May 24, 2020

A Health Indicator Of Nepal Essay - 1488 Words

PUBLC HEALTH INDICATOR SNAP OF NEPAL Nepal is a relatively small (population around 26.5 million) land-locked country, bordered by the two biggest countries in the world, India and China. Its renowned physical beauty makes it very fragmented and many parts are inaccessible by modern transport and communication facilities. There are few cities and 86% of the population lives in rural areas. The country is divided into 5 development regions, 14 zones and 75 districts. Despite its richness in biodiversity, natural resources and cultural multiplicity, Nepal has still remained a developing country where more than 24 percent of the people live under the poverty line. The impact of the poverty is manifest in all other sectors like health and hygiene, education, disaster and conflict preparedness, access to and distribution of resources, gender equity, as well as respect for humanitarian values. The transitional period of developmental change in the legal, political, financial and diplomatic scenario indicate that the country n eeds more efforts in the fields of social reformation, rehabilitation and development. ________________________________________ PUBLIC HEALTH SCENARIO OF NEPAL The Government of Nepal has recognized health care, reproductive right, women right, safe environment right, as abasic fundamental right, as acknowledged in the Interim Constitution of Nepal 2063 (2007), and has declared that it’s the state s responsibility to ensure people s health. The vision of anShow MoreRelatedHealth Care Issues Of Nepal1312 Words   |  6 Pages Health Care Issues in Nepal (By Krishna Prasad Subedi) Summary The newly formed constitution of Nepal (2015) has recognized the health care services as basic rights of people and promised that government will provide the reproductive right, safe environmental right and free primary health care for every citizen in the country. 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