Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What changes in Americans values and lifestyles signaled the rise of Essay

What changes in Americans values and lifestyles signaled the rise of consumer culture - Essay Example In politics, consumerism has been applied to symbolize something quite diverse known as consumerist movement, consumer activism or consumer protection. This strives to inform and protect consumers by demanding practices like product guarantees, honest advertising and packaging, and better safety standards. Therefore, in politics consumerism is a set of rules that are aimed at regulating the methods, services, and products. In addition, they regulate the standards of advertisers, sellers, and manufacturers in the benefits of the buyer. In the economic domain, consumerism denotes to financial policies putting weight on consumption. In a theoretical sense, it is the deliberation that the free selection of consumers must strongly direct the selection by producers of what is manufactured, and thus direct the financial organization of a society. In this case, consumer culture articulates the idea not of one voice, one man, but of one voice, one dollar that might not reflect the contribution of an individual to society1. Since the completion of the twentieth century, the economics, politics, and culture of the American’s has been remodeled by the rapid increase of consumer culture. In what has been purported to be the progress of the vicarious leisure class, and its difference from the overall body of the employed class, orientation has been made to an additional division of labor between the dissimilar servant classes2. A single part of the servant class, mainly those individuals whose job is vicarious leisure, emanate to carry out a new, lesser range of responsibilities- the vicarious consumption of goods. The most common form where the consumption happens is viewed in the wearing of uniforms and the livelihood of capacious servant quarters3. A scarcer, less effective, less obstructive, and widely prevalent form of vicarious consumption is the clothing, food consumption, furniture and dwelling by the woman and the rest of the national establishment. Noticeable

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