Thursday, October 3, 2019

Assignments essay Essay Example for Free

Assignments essay Essay |Assessors comments | |Qualification |QCF Level 7 : Extended Diploma in Strategic |Assessor name |Atif Kauser | | |Management Leadership | | | |Unit number and title |4- Developing corporate culture |Learner name | | |Assignment title |Culture, Objectives and improving corporate climate | | | |Assessment Criteria |Achieved? | |AC 1.1: explain how models of organisation culture can be used to achieve organizational objectives | | |AC 1.2: explain the difference between organisational and national culture | | |AC 1.3: analyse the corporate cultural profile in an organisation | | |AC 1.4: discuss the impact of an organisation’s corporate culture in achieving its objectives | | |AC 2. 1: evaluate the existing climate of an organisation | | |AC 2.2: recommend ways to improve corporate climate in an organisation | | |AC 2.3: propose a framework of organisational values that meet the specific strategic and operational needs of an | | |organisation | | |AC 3.1: identify internal and external stakeholders of an organization | | |AC 3.2: evaluate the effectiveness of an organisation’s existing communication strategies | | |AC 3.3: develop new communication strategies for stakeholders of an organisation that address differences in belief, | | |values, customs and  language | | |Assessor Feedback Action Plan | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Learner’s Feedback | | | |Assessor signature | |Date | | |Learner signature | |Date | | |Assessment Criteria |To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to: | |Task no. | |Evidence | |reference | | | | | | |AC 1.1, 1.3, 1.4 |Culture: culture as shared values; culture at ascending levels; sub-cultures; professional | |1 | | | | |cultures | | | | | | |Models: Charles Handy – power, role, person and task cultures; Johnson and Scholes cultural | | | | | | |web; links to organizational objectives | | | | | |AC 1.2 |Organizational culture: industry culture; national and supranational culture; | |1 | | | | |models of culture eg Trompenaars’s implicit-explicit factors,  Schein’s three levels | | | | | | |National cultures: methods of classifying national culture eg the work of Laurent, Hofstede | | | | | | |and Trompenaars | | | | | |AC 2.1, 2.2 |Climate profile: how climate is defined; difference between climate and culture; | |1,2 | | | | |key aspects of organisational climate eg flexibility; responsibility; standards; rewards; | | | | | | |clarity; team commitment; impact of management practices on climate; impact of climate on | | | | | | |efficiency and effectiveness | | | | | |AC 2.3 |Values: values or core values as a part of organisational culture; crisis of ethics | |2 | | | | |in business and the new emphasis on value leadership – framework for developing and supporting| | | | | | |strong corporate core values | | | | | |AC 3.1, 3.3 |Stakeholders: customers, consumers, employees; shareholders; governments; | |1, 2 | | | | |communities, business partnerships and alliances – the increasing need to cooperate with | | | | | | |people from different cultural groupings (including beliefs, values, customs and language) | | | | | |AC 3.2, 3.3 |Communicating effectively: strategies; identifying potential barriers and ensuring strategies | |1, 2 | | | | |overcome them; developing self-awareness of own and organisational culture; benefits of a | | | | | | |diverse workforce; acculturation programmes; intercultural communication skills | | | | | Assignment Cover Sheet |Assignment Title |Culture, Objectives and improving corporate climate | |In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found.| |Attach work where needed. | |Learner’s Name: |Assessor: Atif Kauser | |Date Issue: |Completion Date: |Submitted On: | |Qualification: QCF Level 7: Extended Diploma in Strategic Management |Unit No Title: Unit 4: Developing Corporate Culture | |Leadership | | |Learner declaration | |I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. | | | |Learner signature: Date: | |Unit title |4- Developing corporate culture | |Qualification |QCF Level 7 – strategic management leadership | |start date |01-04-2013 | |deadline |05-05-2013 | |Assessor |Atif kauser | |Assignment title: |Culture, Objectives and improving corporate climate | |Scenario: Suppose you work for a business magazine called ‘The Biz Talk’. The editor has assigned you with the task of producing the Cover Story for the next| |edition. He wants you  to write a detailed article with the title ‘CULTURE, Objectives and Improving Corporate Climate’. | |For this you will have to choose one organization of your interest, conduct a primary and secondary investigation to gather facts and figures which will | |support you in writing the article. The article should cover and address the given tasks and outcomes. | |Task 1 | | | |Having done with the primary and secondary research, conduct a critical evaluation to study the current practices of your chosen organization as a case | |study, and Elaborate and explain the profile of your chosen organization by addressing the following tasks: | | | |Analyse the corporate cultural profile of your organisation | |Discuss the impact of your organisation’s corporate culture in achieving its objectives | |Explain how models of organisation culture taught to you in the tutorials can be used to achieve organisational objectives for your chosen organization | |Explain the difference between organisational and national culture by critically observing the presence of your organization in a particular country/region | |Evaluate the existing corporate climate of your organisation | |Identify the internal and external stakeholders of your organisation | |evaluate the effectiveness of your organisation’s existing communication strategies | | | |Provides evidence for: outcome 1, AC: 2.1, 3.1, 3.2 | | | |Task 2 | | | |Based on your analysis, propose recommendations and strategies for further improvement in the areas defined below: | | | |Recommend ways to improve the corporate climate in your organisation | |Propose a framework of organisational values that meets the specific strategic and operational needs of your organization | |Develop new communication strategies for stakeholders of your organisation that address differences in belief, values, customs and language | | | |Provides evidence for: AC 2.2, 2.3, 3.3 | |This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose | |Assessor |Atif Kauser | |Signature | |Date | | |Internal verifier |Wajiha Daud | | Signature | |Date | |

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