Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The history of witch hunting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The history of witch hunting - Essay Example Position of women and transition to capitalism Federici points out the issue of witch hunting as a continuous and relevant discourse from the middle ages to the contemporary times. She argues that witch hunting, one of the basest ways of subjugating women, has its roots in the history of capitalism. Prior to the advent of capitalistic concepts, the position and function of women in society were never discriminated from that of men. Federici accounts for the lifestyle of women where they were attributed with work within the house as well as outside. But as capitalism with the concerted effort of the state and the church sought its way into power, it tended to manipulate, undermine and distort established constructs of reality to meet its ends of ‘primitive accumulation’. According to Federici: â€Å"capitalism was the counter-revolution that destroyed the possibilities that had emerged from the anti-feudal struggle—possibilities which, if realized, might have spar ed us immense destruction of lives and the natural environment that has marked the advance of capitalist relations worldwide†. Relation between primitive accumulation and oppression on women The basis of capitalism is considered to be primitive accumulation which means accumulating land and labor. ... ation of differences and divisions within the working class, whereby hierarchies built upon gender, as well as â€Å"race† and age became constitutive of class rule and the formation of the modern proletariat. (Federici, 63-64) Federici points out that one of the main objectives of capitalism was to break the solidarity between the genders that gives a community its strength and nurtures healthy social life. Devaluing women was made into a discourse and misogynistic attitude was provoked to create mutual distrust and antagonism between genders. Federici argues that the logic behind legalizing prostitution on one hand and decriminalizing rape on the other was purely a capitalistic tactic of deliberately underrating women. From this perspective it could be said that capitalism was formed on the motto of dividing and rule policy and it did not spare human relationships. Repressing women power by dehumanizing women: platform for witch hunt The act of witch hunting, which is nothin g but persecuting women on some utterly vague assumptions, points to the desperation of the need to repress women power. The propagators of capitalism particularly targeted to control women’s power of reproduction to have access to manpower resource. It shows that the role of women was dehumanized to that of labor producing machine. The body-as-machine was made the discourse of the early capitalist era that also explains the medieval ideology of the body-mind dichotomy upheld by the church. Accordingly, any kind of unproductive physical indulgence was tabooed as corporeal sin and women were made its worst victim. Women were banished from outdoor activities of community life, stigmatized in any attempt to do so and robbed of privacy. Federici, by giving a detail account of how women were not

Monday, October 28, 2019

Child Reading and Writing Development

Child Reading and Writing Development Learning of children in early ages Question: Consider the ways in which children learn to read and write. Illustrate, using Kenner, Al-Khatri, Kwok, Kim and Tsai’s study (2004) how young children pay attention to directionality, shape, size, spatial orientation in producing different writing scripts. Introduction It is necessary to encourage the children towards learning since childhood. Motivation towards learning and thinking is important when child is young because at that time, child grabs the thing easily. If child gets training about the importance of learning and practices writing in the early childhood, then it will be beneficial for his rest of life. It is a fact that a child changes in a lot of ways during the years of primary school. These years are so much important to develop a habit of learning and thinking in the child. Cognitive development is necessary to be developed in young children. Cognitive development includes learning skills such as languages, strong memory, planning and paying attention to the work. In these initial years, parents have to play their role. (Australia, 2012) By the help of different activities, parents can motivate the children towards learning new things. But it is also a fact that training young children is not an easy task. It is neither easy for the parents and nor for the teachers. By the help of various sessions, activities and games, we can encourage children towards learning. Child sometimes faces difficulty in learning different stuffs at a time but with the passage of time, he becomes habitual. In the book, Becoming Biliterate Kenner C. (2004) explains about child’s learning of different languages. He also discusses about different ways by which we can motivate young children to read and write. Furthermore, in the paper, we will look on different ways of teaching children in young ages and also discuss relevant techniques. Emergent literacy Term Emergent literacy defines the interaction of young children with books. This term explains that when a children is in the state of learning something and when he is not in a position of writing or reading some stuff. Marie Clay used this term for the first time. Emergent literacy is process that starts from the birth of a child and continues until and unless child trains in writing or reading in a conventional sense. This term is used in the field of psychology, linguistics, sociology and education. (Anon., 2011)Process of reading and writing starts in the young ages of an individual. A child tries to contact with different types of communication from the beginning. It is observed that most of the children starts recognizing different signs and symbols in the age of two or three years. It is because of the fact that every time, their mind is in the state of learning and interacting with different things. As far as this matter is concerned that either the child starts writing fir st or reading, it varies from child to child. But researches show that most of the children face difficulty in reading during their early ages and start writing quickly. Issues in the acquisition of literacy Acquisition of literacy for the young children is not easy. Although, child starts observing all the things by using his five senses but still some guidance is necessary. By the help of guidance and training, child learns the things easily. There are different issues that a child faces in the acquisition of literacy especially in terms of learning second language. Learning of different languages becomes a big problem for young children. In the article, Literacy and Second Language Acquisition: Issues and Perspectives, Weinstein (1984) explains that there is a strong relationship between the acquisition of second language and literacy. Author explains that understanding different languages and learning second language is difficult. (WEINSTEIN, 1984)In another article by Philip and Mikko (2003), it was explained that most of the children in European countries complete their acquisition of language before starting their early school education. English is at the top in the acquisition of languages. Children learn English easily as compared to other languages. (Philip H. K. Seymour, Mikko Aro, Jane M. Erskine, 2003)Another issue that is faced by the children in learning is their mental state. It is not always necessary that mental state of every child is same. Therefore, we cannot apply same strategies for all children. Some children do not grab these thing quickly and to develop the sense of learning in them, it is necessary to apply alternate techniques. How young children learn different writing systems There are different writing systems working in the world. It is not necessary that everyone knows all writing systems. Most of the people knows one or two writing systems usually. Talking in terms of learning different writing systems for the children, it is good to trained them in their early ages. For example, if a child is born in Europe and parents want him to become familiar with English writing system, then they have to guide him about English writing alphabets in the early ages. There are basically two types of writing systems. First type is known as alphabets and second type is called as Syllabaries. Both types are divided on various sub divisions. List of major classification is as following. Consonant alphabets Abugidas Alphabets Syllabaries Semanto-Phonetic writing systems Undeciphered writing systems (Anon., 2007) Now, the question is how young children learn different writing systems? There are different ways by which we can guide young children in learning various writing systems. First way to improve literacy is by teaching Morphemes. Morphemes is a collection of words that consists of different units of meaning. By the help of morphemes, children can easily pronounce the words and spell them. Teaching morphemes is a best way to teach vocabulary to the young children. (Nunes, T., and Bryant, P, 2006, pp. 14) Another way to teach different writing systems to the children is by using cardboard books. Parents can use different pieces of clothes, and cardboard books to teach different alphabets to the children. Colorful pictures can play an important role in attracting the young children towards learning. Writing different scripts and the design of symbols For writing a particular language, specific writing system is used. Writing system is usually known as Script. On the other hand, symbols are also used to guide children about languages. Types of scripts are as following. Script support Alphabets Right to left alphabets Syllabary Syllabic alphabet Ideographic script Depending upon your language style and script, you can teach your child about the language. If we take the example of English writing system, then it is seen that it starts from the left hand side whereas in case of Arabic, script starts from right hand side. So, it is necessary for the parents that they teach child about these basics. Suppose, you are from the Arabic background and make familiar your child with the Arabic writing system, then it is necessary for you to focus on the Arabic writing system. You should select those books and cardboards on which Arabic words are written so that your child starts recognizing these words. Following is an image that tells you about the basic Arabic writing system. Another way of guiding your child is through symbols. You can teach your child by using different symbols and pictures of something. In the early childhood, child easily understand words by the help of its illustration. Kerner (2004) focused on the illustration of symbols and pictures. (Kenner, C. Al-Khatib, H., Kwok, G., Kam, R. and Tsai, K, 2004, pp. 35), In this picture, we can see that with all the English alphabets, different pictures are used so that child cane identify the word easily. By the help of symbols and pictures, identification of words become easy. Embodied knowledge In order to teach the children to read and writing, actions also play a great role. Education in which body involves actions and knows how to act on something is called as Embodied Knowledge. The best example of this type of knowledge is riding a bicycle. Almost, everyone knows how to ride a bicycle and we do not need to memorize the procedure of riding bicycle. This is a type of knowledge that is automatically imprinted in the mind of an individual. It can be said that embodied knowledge is present in our unconsciousness. Children learn this knowledge by observing the environment. Embodied knowledge is somewhat similar to the Cognitive science. Conclusion To conclude the entire discussion, it can be said that parents can play an important role in teaching their child in early years. Young children are quite sensitive and in the early ages, their care is the duty of parents. Parents should teach their child by using techniques and activities. Before sending the child to school, a child should have a basic sense of recognizing and understanding different words and things. So, that he may not face any difficulty in future. Works Cited Anon., 2007. Types of writing system. [Online] Available at: [Accessed march 2014]. Anon., 2011. what is emergent literacy?. [Online] Available at: [Accessed march 2014]. Australia, c. o., 2012. About thinking and learning. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2014]. Kenner, C. Al-Khatib, H., Kwok, G., Kam, R. and Tsai, K. (2004), Becoming Biliterate: Young Children Learning Different Writing Systems, Stoke-on-Trent, Trentham Books. Nunes, T., and Bryant, P. (2006), Improving Literacy by Teaching morphemes, London, Routledge. Philip H. K. Seymour, Mikko Aro, Jane M. Erskine, 2003. Foundation literacy acquisition in European orthographies. British Journal of Psychology, 94(2), p. 143–174. Seymour, P., Aro, M., and Erskine, J. (2003), Foundation Literacy Acquisition, in British Journal of Psychology, 94: 143-174. WEINSTEIN, G., 1984. Literacy and Second Language Acquisition: Issues and Perspectives. TESOL Quarterly, 18(3), p. 471–484.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Domestic Violence: The Tracy Thurman Story :: Violence Against Women Essays

There is one particular case that stands out in my mind when I think of domestic violence. The Tracy Thurman Story. Tracy Thurman was a Connecticut housewife. She suffered a horrendous abuse at the hands of her husband. As the days got older so did the beatings and was more horrified each day.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Buck and Tracy got involved she realized that he had a gambling problem. She had confronted him about him losing money while gambling in front of his friends. Buck became furious and punched the door working his way around Tracy. Buck then starts yelling and saying how his mother put a gun to his head and asked Tracy never to leave him. Seeing his vulnerable side, Tracy felt sorry for him. This showed Tracy that Buck had a shattered soul and a sense of humanity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Not too long, after Tracy found out she was pregnant. After telling Buck the news, he beat her for the first time. Tracy then leaves from Florida to Connecticut, her hometown and stays with a close friend. Buck follows her to Connecticut and begs, pleads, and promises that it will never happen again. They then get married, stayed in Connecticut, and had a baby boy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Buck is unable to find work and convinces Tracy to move back to Florida. After losing a game of cards, he goes to rage and beats Tracy again leaving her two black eyes. Tracy moves back to Connecticut, only to have Buck follow her and takes the baby away from Tracy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At this point Tracy gets a restraining order against Buck. He is not allowed in the state of Connecticut, and Tracy’s home. She sees Buck standing in front of her home and calls the police. The police cannot find the court order against Buck. When the officer comes to the house and tells Tracy that her husband has a right to stand in the street and it would be easier if they weren’t married.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A couple days later, Buck is outraged. He goes to Tracy’s house again screaming for her to come out of the house. This time he doesn’t let up. Tracy then calls the police again and tells them that Buck is outside her house again and wants a patrol car to come by the house. The officer takes a detour back to the station. The officer takes forever to get to the house.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Personal Professional Development Essay

In this section of the report I will explain the importance of continual self  development and implement my own personal development plan (PDP) in line with my organisations objectives. To achieve this I will review the requirements of my employer and its clients and review my own personal needs and determine the skills and knowledge I will need to meet them. I will assess the gaps in my current skills and knowledge in line with the organisational objectives. I will identify my personal learning objectives and start filling those gaps and propose the actions for achieving these objectives. My PDP will be SMART and include measures for success, resources required and target dates for review and completion where appropriate. Continuous self-development is a process in which people take responsibility for their own learning. Self-development can be defined as Maintaining and continuing to improve and develop knowledge and competencies which can improve your performance in the workplace. Developing specific qualities and skills Advancing your full potential as a person by been proactive According to Pedlar et al, (2007) they believe that â€Å"Self-development is personal development, with the person taking primary responsibility for their own learning and for choosing the means to achieve this. Ultimately, it is about increasing your capacity and willingness to take control over and be responsible for events†(p30). As demonstrated by Pedlar et al. (2007) self development is about an individual been proactive and developing their learning capacity by empowering themselves to take control of their own learning and be responsible for it. Another important factor linked to self-development is Developing Greater Self-Awareness. Goleman suggests that self-awareness involves: Emotional self awareness: recognising your emotions and the impact they have on your life. Accurate self-assessment: identifying your strengths and limitations. Self-confidence: knowing yourself worth and capabilities. By improving self awareness we can create opportunities for a better work  life balance , become aware of our emotions, and improve our ability to respond to change. These qualities will enhance the performance of a manager and is important to include these elements when developing a PDP. For continual self-development to take place an individual has to determine how and by what means is required to achieve continual self-development in achieving organisational objectives. According to Martin (2005) â€Å"An organisation is a group of individuals and as individuals develop, so do the organisations that employ them† Martin (2005) suggests Organisations give importance to continual self-development because it is effective for organisations in terms of achieving organisational objectives if the employees develop then so does the organisation. It is important that the business plan objectives of the organisation are taken into consideration when building a Personal Development Plan, as any personal development should complement the organisation’s plans. If people don’t continually self-develop and perform to meet organisational objectives the organisation does not develop and perform to met the organisational objectives. The organisation can become stagnant and fail to achieve the overall strategic company outcome to be financially viable and show a profit. It is important to continually self-develop so an individual can succeed in maintaining their position within the organisation but also to progress and achieve organisational objectives. An example of continual self-development in achieving organisational objectives is to maintain organisational legislation for instance the Health and Safety law. If the individual in the organisation who is responsible for the health and safety law does not comply with the health and safety rules, it could increase the chance that individuals may be hurt. It could also increase the chance that the organisation could be fined for health and safety violations, or that the individual responsible for this role could be suspended or fired for putting the organisation and its employees at unnecessary risk. An example of my continual self-development in achieving  organisational objectives is to continually ensure I am current and up to date with my knowledge of funding eligibility, which is governed by the Skills funding Agency (SFA). If I do not develop my understanding of new legislation set by the SFA the company can become at risk of not meeting the set contractual requirements. This can have a detrimental effect on the company which could lead to loss of revenue or loss of contracts which in turn could result in staff becoming unemployed. To summarise, the performance of employees is directly linked to organisational performance hence the achievement of organisational objectives. The performance of employees can be improved through the continuous self-development process which clarifies the importance of continual self development within an organisation. Personal development plans (PDPs) provide a powerful and flexible way to link employee’s professional and personal development with the development of the organisation. My job role within Intertrain is the National contracts & compliance manager intertrain’s organisational chart is presented in appendix 1 to demonstrate my management role within the organisation. To be able to assess and plan for personal professional development a process needs to take place. It is important in learning new skills or developing new competencies that they are planned and structured. I will use Kolb’s learning cycle as the structure for my PDP, this will implemented to assess and reflect on my current experiences and skills. This will then in turn allow me to review and identify the development opportunities and then test them out and reflect what has been learnt in meeting organisational objectives.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Continuous Human Activities Towards Global Warming

The phenomenon described as global warming has been well studied and documented by researchers throughout the world for several years. It is a phenomenon that has the potential to destroy our planet and all life on it. This essay will briefly define global warming, provide evidence of global warming, outline the main causes of global warming and discuss both the known and potential impacts of global warming on the planet earth. Comments are also made concerning actions being taken as well as others that need to be taken to protect our planet from the potential catastrophic consequences of continued global warming. For thousands of years the earth has gone through many changes in climate. In the last decade however, the earth has experienced notable increases in temperature, resulting in rising sea levels, changes in precipitation as well as other climate changes. The earth has not experienced such dramatic climate changes before in it's history as it has in the last one hundred years. Some of these climatic changes have been blamed on global warming. What is this phenomenon referred to as global warming? Global warming is the term used to describe a moderate increase in the earth's temperature as a result of human activities. Examples include, the burning of fossil fuels and the production of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which build up greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is a term used to describe the warming of the earth's surface due to the presence of carbon dioxide and other atmospheric gases, which trap radiant heat at the earth's surface. Diagram 1 illustrates the greenhouse effect. The denser these gases the more heat that is trapped. Energy from the sun drives the earth's weather and climate, and heats the earth's surface; in turn, the earth radiates energy back into space. Atmospheric greenhouse gases (water vapour, carbon dioxide, and other gases) trap some of the outgoing energy retaining heat. This is not unlike the glass panels of a greenhouse. (EPA 1) The increase in the amounts of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane from industries and cars causes energy to be trapped in the earth's atmosphere resulting in a rise of global temperatures. Without a little greenhouse effect though, life as we know it could not possibly exist on the earth. The natural greenhouse effect causes the mean temperature of the earth's surface to be approximately 33 degrees Celsius warmer than it would be if natural greenhouse gases were not present in the earth's atmosphere. (The Greenhouse Trap, 1) However, scientists are worried that human activities are intensifying the greenhouse effect. Cairncross writes, â€Å"global warming is likely to be the result of the build-up of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide† (Cairncross 111). The three main greenhouse gases produced by human activities are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen gas. Carbon dioxide is the most common greenhouse gas produced by humans. It is responsible for over half of the increase in greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere. This is primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels. Each year, the burning of fossil fuels releases 5. 5 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. (footnote) The main sources of carbon dioxide include, electric utilities (35%), transport (30%), industry (24%), and the other 11% is produced by residential buildings (Brisbane Adventist College www. ozkidz). The graph below shows the dramatic increase in carbon dioxide gases in the atmosphere. It is believed that since the Industrial Revolution began about 250 years ago, atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased from a value of about 275 parts per million before the Industrial Revolution to about 360 parts per million in 1996, and the rate of increase has speeded up over this span of time (Hartmann). Scientists have determined this by measuring the carbon dioxide levels in the air that became trapped in glaciers, hundreds of years ago. They then compare this to the amounts of carbon dioxide in today's air. Global warming was first predicted in 1896, by a Swedish chemist named Svante Arrhenius. Arrhenius realized that the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere was increasing rapidly due to industrialization. Arrhenius predicted that doubling the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would raise the earth's average temperature by about 5 °C (Herring). Though no one really paid any attention to him, Arrhenius's prediction was surprisingly accurate. He was only off by about 2 to 3 degrees. This is very remarkable, considering he had to make the calculations by hand without the aid of scientific equipment. It was not until the 1980's that it was determined global warming was actually occurring, almost a hundred years after it was first predicted by Arrhenius. Global warming has already raised the average temperature of the earth's surface by about 0. 5 degrees within the last one hundred years (Bates 6). The top ten warmest days in recorded history have all occurred within the 1990's. Global temperature changes between 1861 and 1996 are outlined in Diagram 2. It has been estimated that global average temperatures will increase of as much as 9 degrees F (5 degrees C) before the year 2999 (6). Up until recently most of the carbon dioxide produced was absorbed by the world's oceans, trees and soils. The rest remained in the atmosphere. Unfortunately, now we are producing more carbon dioxide and our oceans, trees and soils are absorbing less. This is partly attributed to the fact that our forests are being destroyed. Research has been done to show that as many as 60 acres of rain forest are being destroyed, every hour, every day of the year. (The Rain forest Trust Inc. ) In the world, only 22% of the old growth forests are still alive. This is because more forests are being cleared to make room for farming and the trees are not being replaced. This destructive process is called deforestation. Deforestation has been going on since man began clearing land for agriculture and has increased substantially during the industrialization period. The dramatic decline in the earth's forested areas can be seen on Figure 1. Figure 1 shows that between the years 900 and 1990 the earth's forested area has declined from 40% to 20%. The rain forests of the world are being destroyed at an alarming rate. Their loss is very concerning because they do not grow back easily. Forests are important because they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen back into the atmosphere. Forests help reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. If current trends continue, the world's rain forests could disappear in the next few decades. As a result of the loss of these forests, global temperatures are rising faster than they ever have because less carbon dioxide is being removed from the atmosphere. Should global temperatures continue to increase at present day rates, scientists believe that there may be many negative impacts from global warming. For example, should temperatures continue to rise, polar ice caps and glaciers will melt, causing the sea and ocean levels to rise. Many beaches will sink beneath the water and many parts of low lying counties will be submerged below water. It is also possible that some coastal areas will be completely covered by water. The world's ocean levels have already risen about four to six inches since 1990 and it is expected to rise another six inches by the year 2100. (Leatherman) This could flood many coastal cities, leaving thousands of people homeless. Maps 1 and 2 show the potential impact of raising sea levels on North Carolina and Florida respectively. Another potentially disastrous effect of global warming is a reduction to the general health of people. There are some diseases that only affect people that live where the climate is extremely warm. As a result of a general increase in temperature there will be more people dying everyday because of heart problems related to heat exhaustion. Hospital admissions show that death rates increase during extremely hot days, particularly among the very old and very young people living in cities. Diseases in tropical areas, like yellow fever and malaria would be more common in areas like Canada and the United States should temperatures rise. This would cause thousands to die each year from these tropical diseases. Global warming trends will also change rainfall patterns. Some areas of the world will become wetter while others will become drier. Historical evidence suggests that the grain-growing areas of North America are likely to have less rain (Bates 19). This would result in the Great Plains becoming a grassland or desert and the corn belt would experience more frequent droughts. These changes in rainfall patterns will test the agricultural and water management skills of many countries. It is still possible for both industrialized and developing countries to stop global warming. To prevent serious environmental problems associated with global warming we will have to bring together widely different cultural, political and economic interests to pursue the majority of the world's people to make sacrifices for the sake of future generations. In December 1997, an agreement was made between 160 countries, in Kyoto, Japan, to cut greenhouse emissions by 5. % below 1990 levels by the 2008-2012 period. This means that the United States and Japan will have to lower their greenhouse emissions by 7 and 6 percent respectively. This reduction is to be accomplished by a blend of taxes and regulations, with some subsidies for implementing green technologies. (proquest article) Most companies are trying to work well ahead of the agreement date and reduce greenhouse emissions now. Should a company cut their emissions to the point where they reduce their emissions by more than 5. 2%, they can receive pollution credits, which can be sold to other companies. Stopping global warming will not be an easy task. There are going to have to be many initiatives taken to stop global warming. The only way we will be able to accomplish this is by getting the whole world to work together and reduce the production of carbon dioxide. This is especially true for the United States, a country which is the biggest polluter on the planet. The most effective way to prevent global warming is to stop emitting dangerous greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. A good way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions is practice the three R's; reduce, reuse and recycle. Purchasing food and other products in reusable and recycled packaging can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 230 pounds per year, while recycling all household waste newsprint, cardboard, glass and metal can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by an additional 850 pounds per year (http://www. p2pays. org/ref/01/00183. htm). Less use of automobiles, greater use of bicycles and more reliance on walking would also help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. There are other gases like nitrogen and oxygen that have little or no effect on greenhouse warming. We need to find ways to replace the dangerous fossil fuels with these less harmful gases instead. We should immediately start implementing alternative energy sources like solar power, hydropower, and wind power. These sources of energy do not add to global warming but are very expensive to implement today. When we entered the 20th century, the human race did not have the technology to greatly alter the delicate balance of our planet. During the 20th century the human race quickly developed technologies and industrial processes that began to affect the balance of our planet. The problems related to global warming, which we face at the start of the new millennium cannot be separated into compact, well defined groups. The issues we face today are not just increased carbon dioxide levels, deforestation, increased sea levels, or increased polar ice melting. These issues are all interrelated and global in nature. They are also not just problems of science, they are political, economical and cultural problems. Global warming will only became a political and cultural priority when people see it as a serious problem which is likely to affect them personally. We first need to be able to understand clearly the direct impacts which global warming will bring before we will begin to change our values and lifestyles to one based on sustainable development practices. Sacrifices will have to be made from our current high standards of living in industrialized countries. While there does not appear to be any agreement on the scope and timing of the effects of global warming, we as a civilization face an uncertain future if we do not change our ways. Bates writes, â€Å"we stand at the edge of an onrushing catastrophe† (Bates 190). The human race needs to collectively act to avoid a global crisis. We as humans have the ability to change and adapt to change around us and to decide what our life will be like. Governments of the world will need to work together to stop global warming. There is only one planet that we can live on right now, so we need to respect it and protect it. We must stop destroying our only home. Are we as Canadians prepared to make the sacrifices needed to change our attitudes about our high standard of living and the pursuit of personal wealth in order to save our planet?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Dickinson College Admissions and Acceptance Rate

Dickinson College Admissions and Acceptance Rate Dickinson College is a somewhat selective schooljust over half of those who apply will not be admitted. Students generally will need solid grades and an impressive resume in order to be accepted to the school. Dickinson uses the Common Application, which students can fill out online. The school is test-optional, meaning that prospective students are not required to submit scores from the SAT or ACT. Require application materials include high school transcripts and letters of recommendation. For updated information, and to start an application, be sure to check out Dickinsons website! Will You Get In? Calculate Your Chances of Getting In  with this free tool from Cappex Admissions Data (2016) Dickinson College Acceptance Rate: 43%GPA, SAT and ACT graph for DickinsonTop PA colleges SAT score comparison4-year college SAT score comparison4-year college ACT score comparisonTop PA colleges ACT score comparison Dickinson College Description Dickinson College is a highly ranked liberal arts college located in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The college has an impressive 9 to 1  student / faculty ratio  and an average class size of 15, so students can expect a lot of interaction with the faculty. For its strengths in the liberal arts and sciences, Dickinson College was awarded a chapter of the prestigious  Phi Beta Kappa  Honor Society. Chartered in 1783 and named after a signer of the Constitution, the college has a long and rich history. For student athletes, the Dickinson College Red Devils compete in the NCAA Division III  Centennial Conference. The college fields ten mens and eleven womens intercollegiate sports. They have had over 200 student-athletes named All-American. Enrollment (2016) Total Enrollment: 2,420  (all undergraduate)Gender Breakdown: 41% Male / 59% Female98% Full-time Costs (2016 - 17) Tuition and Fees: $51,205Books: $1,130 (why so much?)Room and Board: $12,794Other Expenses: $1,650Total Cost: $66,779 Dickinson College Financial Aid (2015- 16) Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 78%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 73%Loans: 47%Average Amount of AidGrants: $29,967Loans: $6,110 Academic Programs Most Popular Majors:  Biology, Economics, English, History, International Business, Political Science, Psychology, Public PolicyWhat major is right for you?  Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation and Retention Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 90%4-Year Graduation Rate: 81%6-Year Graduation Rate: 84% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs Mens Sports:  Football, Swimming, Tennis, Squash, Cross Country, Basketball, Golf, Track and Field, Baseball, Lacrosse, SoccerWomens Sports:  Basketball, Field Hockey, Volleyball, Track and Field, Lacrosse, Softball, Squash, Tennis, Cross Country Data Source National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like Dickinson College, You May Also Like These Schools Hamilton College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphSwarthmore College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphTrinity College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphWesleyan University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphTufts University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBowdoin College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphColgate University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphConnecticut College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphLafayette College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphVassar College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphAmerican University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Thucydes And Socrates

â€Å"Origins of political ideas† Thucydides and Socrates think differently about doing what is just. Thucydides believed that justice didn’t exist; to him injustice was necessary, where as Socrates believed in it and believed that one should â€Å"live a life that is just†. Justice deals with being fair; doing what is right and not wrong. According to Thucydides â€Å"justice depends on the equality of power to compel†¦ in fact the strong do what they have the power to do and the weak accept what they have to accept.† (Thucydides, pg.402), he believes that power decides how things should be, meaning that justice doesn’t form part of any decision making. Those who have power have control over those who have nothing and thus take advantage of them. The desire for having power is what keeps these people trapped in an unjust world. But only those who are â€Å"weak† can see the injustice because they are the ones who are leaving it. For example, in the discussion between the Melian and Athenians the Melians said: â€Å"And how could it be just as good for us to be the slaves as for you to be the masters? – Athenians: â€Å" You, by giving in, would save yourselves from disaster; we, by not destroying you, would be able to profit from you† (Thucydides, pg 402). The Melians can see the injustice going on; they know that there would be justice if they were both equal in status and not seen as the inferior. To the Athenians it would be a disadvantage to pursue a just life, because then they would not have power over others. If they believed in justice the â€Å"weak† would fight for their rights and that is not what they want. Socrates believed in a just world. He would rather die then to commit injustice. He believed in doing what the right thing to do was, in obeying what God had sent him to do, because only God had the power to do the greatest harm. As he said â€Å" I do not believe that the law of God perm... Free Essays on Thucydes And Socrates Free Essays on Thucydes And Socrates â€Å"Origins of political ideas† Thucydides and Socrates think differently about doing what is just. Thucydides believed that justice didn’t exist; to him injustice was necessary, where as Socrates believed in it and believed that one should â€Å"live a life that is just†. Justice deals with being fair; doing what is right and not wrong. According to Thucydides â€Å"justice depends on the equality of power to compel†¦ in fact the strong do what they have the power to do and the weak accept what they have to accept.† (Thucydides, pg.402), he believes that power decides how things should be, meaning that justice doesn’t form part of any decision making. Those who have power have control over those who have nothing and thus take advantage of them. The desire for having power is what keeps these people trapped in an unjust world. But only those who are â€Å"weak† can see the injustice because they are the ones who are leaving it. For example, in the discussion between the Melian and Athenians the Melians said: â€Å"And how could it be just as good for us to be the slaves as for you to be the masters? – Athenians: â€Å" You, by giving in, would save yourselves from disaster; we, by not destroying you, would be able to profit from you† (Thucydides, pg 402). The Melians can see the injustice going on; they know that there would be justice if they were both equal in status and not seen as the inferior. To the Athenians it would be a disadvantage to pursue a just life, because then they would not have power over others. If they believed in justice the â€Å"weak† would fight for their rights and that is not what they want. Socrates believed in a just world. He would rather die then to commit injustice. He believed in doing what the right thing to do was, in obeying what God had sent him to do, because only God had the power to do the greatest harm. As he said â€Å" I do not believe that the law of God perm...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Netherlands - Geography, Government and History

Netherlands - Geography, Government and History Population: 16,783,092 (July 2010 estimate) Capital: Amsterdam Seat of Government: The Hague Bordering Countries: Germany and Belgium Land Area: 16,039 square miles (41,543 sq km) Coastline: 280 miles (451 km) Highest Point: Vaalserberg at 1,056 feet (322 m) Lowest Point: Zuidplaspolder at -23 feet (-7 m) The Netherlands, officially called the Kingdom of the Netherlands, is located in northwest Europe. The Netherlands borders the North Sea to its north and west, Belgium to the south and Germany to the east. The capital and largest city in the Netherlands is Amsterdam, while the seat of government and therefore most government activity is in the Hague. In its entirety, the Netherlands is often called Holland, while its people are referred to as Dutch. The Netherlands is known for its low lying topography and dikes, as well as for its very liberal government. History of the Netherlands In the first century B.C.E., Julius Caesar entered the Netherlands and found that it was inhabited by various Germanic tribes. The region was then divided into a western portion that was inhabited mainly by Batavians while the east was inhabited by the Frisians. The western part of the Netherlands became a part of the Roman Empire. Between the 4th and 8th centuries, the Franks conquered what is today the Netherlands and the area was later given to the House of Burgundy and the Austrian Habsburgs. In the 16th century, the Netherlands were controlled by Spain but in 1558, the Dutch people revolted and in 1579, the Union of Utrecht joined the seven northern Dutch provinces into the Republic of the United Netherlands. During the 17th century, the Netherlands grew in power with its colonies and navy. However, the Netherlands eventually lost some of its importance after several wars with Spain, France, and England in the 17th and 18th centuries. In addition, the Dutch also lost their technological superiority over these nations. In 1815, Napoleon was defeated and the Netherlands, along with Belgium, became a part of the Kingdom of the United Netherlands. In 1830, Belgium formed its own kingdom and 1848, King Willem II revised the Netherlands constitution to make it more liberal. From 1849-1890, King Willem III ruled over the Netherlands and the country grew significantly. When he died, his daughter Wilhelmina became queen. During World War II, the Netherlands was continuously occupied by Germany beginning in 1940. As a result, Wilhelmina fled to London and established a government in exile. During WWII, over 75% of the Netherlands Jewish population was killed. In May 1945, the Netherlands was liberated and Wilhelmina returned the country. In 1948, she abdicated the throne and her daughter Juliana was queen until 1980 when her daughter Queen Beatrix took the throne. Following WWII, the Netherlands grew in strength politically and economically. Today the country is a large tourist destination and most of its former colonies have gained independence and two (Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles) are still dependent areas. The Government of the Netherlands The Kingdom of the Netherlands is considered a constitutional monarchy (list of monarchs) with a chief of state (Queen Beatrix) and a head of government filling the executive branch. The legislative branch is the bicameral States General with the First Chamber and the Second Chamber. The judicial branch is made up of the Supreme Court. Economics and Land Use in the Netherlands The economy of the Netherlands is stable with strong industrial relations and a moderate unemployment rate. The Netherlands is also a European transportation hub and tourism is also increasing there. The largest industries in the Netherlands are agroindustries, metal and engineering products, electrical machinery and equipment, chemicals, petroleum, construction, microelectronics, and fishing. Agricultural products of the Netherlands include grains, potatoes, sugar beets, fruits, vegetables, and livestock. Geography and Climate of the Netherlands The Netherlands is known for its very low lying topography and reclaimed land called polders. About half of the land in the Netherlands is below sea level polders and dikes make more land available and less prone to flooding for the growing country. There are also some low hills in the southeast but none of them rise above 2,000 feet. The climate of the Netherlands is temperate and highly affected by its marine location. As a result, it has cool summers and mild winters. Amsterdam has a January average low of 33ËšF (0.5ËšC) and an August high of just 71ËšF (21ËšC). More Facts about the Netherlands The official languages of the Netherlands are Dutch and FrisianThe Netherlands has large minority communities of Moroccans, Turks, and SurinameseThe largest cities in the Netherlands are Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and Eindhoven.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Environmental Risk of Genetically Modified Food Essay

Environmental Risk of Genetically Modified Food - Essay Example GM foods have been hailed for being the sure approach to meeting the global demand for food especially within the developing world. Scientists affirm that it remains the only viable option for the attainment of the second green revolution to ensure adequate food supplies within the global domain. Critics however affirm that GM foods poses significant environmental risk to the natural society hence they note that the planet has the capacity to produce adequate food for everyone with the lack of food resulting from respective political systems’ inability to properly plan and distribute food, (Schneider & Schneider, 2002:4). Analyzing the economic, environmental and health concerns of the issue, activists argue that environmental impacts of the GM food types should be of more concern comparative to the other related issues. On health, studies indicate that the consumption of genetically modified foods may have unforeseen long-term adverse effects on not only human but the natural ecosystem as well, (Huebner, Studer, & Luethy, 1999: 1137). A 1998 research by the Rowett Research Institute affirmed that genetically modified potatoes contained Lancet, a substance that showed adverse effects on rats. Gene transfer and allergies are two key health risks that have been quoted as resulting from GM foods, (WHO. 2001:1). Based on several studies ingestion of GM foods may result into significant gene transfer from the respective GM foods to bacteria within their gut, (Hallman, Aquino, Cuite, Lang, 2006:12). There are also concerns that GM foods results into allergies which impose significant environmental risk to humans and other living organisms on the planet. The genetic modification of plants may results into unwanted crops or weeds that are genetically resistant to herbicides and other chemicals, an aspect that may result into a wild outgrow of destructive plants.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Harvard style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Harvard style - Essay Example These people are not involved in teaching, which is the main service of the education institution, but instead they look after administration, maintenance and provide services to main employees such as teachers etc. From my research, I can conclude that any educational institution would require personnel in the following support areas. A library is a necessity of any organization and I have found that hiring the librarian or library assistant is one of the most important jobs in colleges and other educational institutions. It is considered as a support job, because the purpose of education institutions is not to provide books to the students, but to impart education. Hence, this will be considered as a support job. The other area where support staff is required is the maintenance. There are plenty of support jobs available in maintenance. Here a cleaner, a janitor and a technician will be need for the cleanliness of the building and in order to make sure that all the electrical equipments such as projectors work well. Many colleges and universities are opening up on-campus finance offices. As a result of this, a number of support jobs have become available. A cashiers, finance head and finance assistance have also become common support jobs. These are some of the support jobs that many universities and colleges are hiring these days and have become common in the job market. In accordance to our need, I will try to fill some of the vacant jobs in our university, to make sure that we run with complete efficiency. (Job Rapido, 2010) The project plan that I am going to use in order to make the functioning of my university more effective, I will create a project plan for project control and successful implementation. Some people argue that excellence in execution is perhaps the most important part of any project. On the contrary, I believe that project control is equally as important in order to make sure

Reaserched, documented position paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reaserched, documented position paper - Essay Example It has many properties and benefits, which many seek to undermine on the path to legalization. In this paper some history and chemistry of the plant will be identified, as well as the many arguments for and against, of which some will be covered herein. In keeping with these arguments, California’s Proposition 19 for the legalization of marijuana will be covered. Already, it is legal in many states for use as a therapy drug for pain, but this paper will seek to prove that marijuana should be legalized for use of the general public, as the overall effects of this plant are very similar to an already legal drug: alcohol. Alcohol is legal on all 50 states to consume, has very similar mind-altering effects, yet marijuana is still an illegal substance. Marijuana has been used for medicinal purposes for approximately 5000 years. Where it came from is unclear, but it is hypothesized that it came from Central Asia. It is suggested that the Asiatic nomads dispersed the plant throughout Asia in their travels, and Herodotus, the Greek historian, once said that the â€Å"Scythian passion was inhaling the smoke of burning hemp plants.† it was later discovered that hemp fiber was being used by the Scythians as well for clothing. However, these nomads migrated out of central Asia after 1700 B. C. use of the drug remained primarily for intoxication throughout the Mediterranean region, Asia, Egypt and the rest of Africa. An ancient physician in the Mediterranean area noted which parts of the plant could be used for rope, clothing and pain relief. In ancient China, it was used for gout, rheumatism, malaria and absent-mindedness. He also noted that other parts were best for muscular problems. In India, the plant was used to make a drink for the heroes of the day before they executed so-called great feats of heroics. The chemistry of marijuana was a mystery until 1942, when H. J. Wollner was able to isolate and identify the naturally occurring substance, tetrahydroca nnabinol (THC). This substance has been found to be useful medically in many different venues. One of the first was the use of marijuana to stifle symptoms of nausea in chemotherapy patients. It also gives them a psychological benefit, providing them some sense of control over their body while suffering from cancer. Marijuana has been found to increase a person’s appetite, which can be very beneficial to someone suffering from AIDS, cancer or other illness that reduces appetite. In studies of medical marijuana use in glaucoma sufferers, the results have been mixed. Although its medicinal use for eye damage in somewhat substantial, but the toxic effects from such a high dose were more risky than glaucoma itself. From use as an analgesic, antispasmodic, a treatment for epilepsy and glaucoma to possibly its most well known medical uses, for multiple sclerosis and an anti-nausea drug in chemotherapy patients. On November 2, 2010, California proposed the Marijuana Legalization Ini tiative, simply called Proposition 19. This bill was for allowing the legalization of marijuana in the state of California, giving local governments the power to regulate, tax and impose varying criminal and/or civil penalties, as they deemed appropriate. This bill ultimately fell under similar current laws regarding alcohol. A person must be 21 or older, people could not possess it on school grounds, use it in public, or provide it

Chose a topic on requirements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Chose a topic on requirements - Essay Example Studies reveal that the larger part of the population of k12 standard studies in public schools. This wouldnt be much of a story if the information on school execution upheld these presumptions. Yet private schools are frequently outflanked by their open partners. Certainly, private schools frequently have higher crude test scores. In any case they likewise have a tendency to serve more advantaged populaces. Thus, when elements like salary, race, and parental training are considered, private schools dont seem to include to the extent that as one may accept they do. Charter schools are some piece of the reinvention of government funded instruction. They initially rose in the 1990s as a conspicuous and disputable school change thought. Folks, instructors, and group associations are the authors of most Charter schools, however some are begun by revenue driven organizations. Charter schools are state funded schools that have been liberated of numerous prohibitive principles and regulations. In exchange, these schools are required to attain particular instructive results inside a certain period (typically three to five years) or have their contracts disavowed. But according to a study, there is no significant effect observed on the performance of students in their test scores, in charter schools (Bettinger, 2005). There are no normal charter schools. Normally littler than state funded schools, 60 percent of sanction schools have fewer than 200 people. They additionally have a tendency to have distinctive evaluation designs from other state funded schools, for example, kindergarten through evaluation 8 or 12, and ungraded schools. Dissimilar to government funded schools, some sanction schools concentrate on a specific branch of knowledge, for example, math, science, expressions of the human experience, or engineering. Charter school implementation additionally neglects to match open recognitions. As examination demonstrates, sanction school quality shifts

Thursday, October 17, 2019

School Anxiety Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

School Anxiety - Research Proposal Example Introduction Literature Review Bernstein (2011) defined separation anxiety as a common anxiety disorder that lasts for at least 4 weeks, among children who are 18 years old and below. This is often believed as the precursor to refuse to go to school, and affects about three fourths of children who are in school entrance age; however, this is sometimes mimicked the symptoms of school refusal. Hence, children who are identified to have refusal to go to school must also be tested for mutism (Bernstein, 2011). On the other hand, separation anxiety among children ages 3 to 4 years of age is considered as developmentally normal. During this stage, they exhibit mild distress and clinging behavior by the time they are separated from their figure of attachment such as their caregivers (Bernstein, 2011). Bernstein (2011) noted that studies have shown that a correlation about significant reading and math achievement impairment 5 – 6 years after school entrance was noted among children wh o exhibit considerable anxiety symptoms. ... Bernstein (2011) analyzed that those children have long term impairment and morbidity as well as unchanged dysfunctional interaction among parents and children at home. Bernstein added that the key to shorten the course of anxiety among school aged children, prompt treatment must be applied. Otherwise, due to intensity and chronicity of anxiety experienced by these children, 40 – 50 percent of these children or youth are at risk for being out of school and unable to graduate because of refusal to treatment. Another literature from American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2011) states that although young children considers going to school as an exciting and enjoyable event, some considers it as a source of intense fear and panic that parents must be concerned of. Regular minor complaints of not wanting to go to school can be a sign for children not wanting to leave their comfort zone at home. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2011) noted that this saga is very difficult for parents to cope, but with the help of professional workers, these fears and behavior of being panicked and refusal to go to school can be successfully treated. Children who refused to go to school are usually children who became closer to their parents following a period of staying at home during school breaks or brief illness. However, once these children are used to in frequently being in school, they begun to calm down since their primary concern is not going to school, but rather, it is leaving their comfort zone at home (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2011). Children with persistent separation anxiety will experience serious potential long – term effects of anxiety and panic disorder when left untreated. Serious educational or

Network Security Ph.D. Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8500 words

Network Security Ph.D. - Essay Example The weekly assignment, which covered various security-related topics, necessitated that we, as students, research the assigned topics, engaged with the material and, importantly, explore the multi-dimensional nature of network security. Added to that, weekly feedback on assignments offered us a clear indication of the topics which we could handle well and those which we could not. Following a review of the weekly assignments and the identification of the topics which I could write a good extended research on, I decided that threat identification and confrontation was an interesting topic. It was, however, too general and accordingly, I sought the advice of our Chief information Security Officer who directed me towards state of the art threat identification and mitigation technologies as a possible topic. The primary aim of this research is the examination of the technologies currently employed for the detection of a worm attack and its subsequent negation. Through this examination, the research will illustrate that by taking existing honeypot technologies and using them to populate unused IP space on a network, a honeywall could use these honeypots as sensors to detect and respond to unauthorized traffic. In order to respond to the research question, an in-depth investigative exploration of the network attacks and the technologies for dealing with them was conducted. The research was limited to secondary data and all sources were checked for credibility. Part II: Background 2.0 Introduction An understanding of the nature and types of attacks seen on the network is established first. Following the classification of attacks, a profile of an attacker is presented to provide a more substantial example of network intrusions. A discussion of firewalls, intrusion detection, and honeypots is provided to complete the background information. 2.1 Network Activity Lyle (1997) posits that most attacks fall within one of three main categories: attacks on integrity, attacks on confidentiality or attacks on availability. The act of maintaining the integrity of a network is the act of preventing authorized users of the system from making changes beyond their authority, and to prevent unauthorized persons from making changes at all. If the integrity of a

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

School Anxiety Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

School Anxiety - Research Proposal Example Introduction Literature Review Bernstein (2011) defined separation anxiety as a common anxiety disorder that lasts for at least 4 weeks, among children who are 18 years old and below. This is often believed as the precursor to refuse to go to school, and affects about three fourths of children who are in school entrance age; however, this is sometimes mimicked the symptoms of school refusal. Hence, children who are identified to have refusal to go to school must also be tested for mutism (Bernstein, 2011). On the other hand, separation anxiety among children ages 3 to 4 years of age is considered as developmentally normal. During this stage, they exhibit mild distress and clinging behavior by the time they are separated from their figure of attachment such as their caregivers (Bernstein, 2011). Bernstein (2011) noted that studies have shown that a correlation about significant reading and math achievement impairment 5 – 6 years after school entrance was noted among children wh o exhibit considerable anxiety symptoms. ... Bernstein (2011) analyzed that those children have long term impairment and morbidity as well as unchanged dysfunctional interaction among parents and children at home. Bernstein added that the key to shorten the course of anxiety among school aged children, prompt treatment must be applied. Otherwise, due to intensity and chronicity of anxiety experienced by these children, 40 – 50 percent of these children or youth are at risk for being out of school and unable to graduate because of refusal to treatment. Another literature from American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2011) states that although young children considers going to school as an exciting and enjoyable event, some considers it as a source of intense fear and panic that parents must be concerned of. Regular minor complaints of not wanting to go to school can be a sign for children not wanting to leave their comfort zone at home. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2011) noted that this saga is very difficult for parents to cope, but with the help of professional workers, these fears and behavior of being panicked and refusal to go to school can be successfully treated. Children who refused to go to school are usually children who became closer to their parents following a period of staying at home during school breaks or brief illness. However, once these children are used to in frequently being in school, they begun to calm down since their primary concern is not going to school, but rather, it is leaving their comfort zone at home (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2011). Children with persistent separation anxiety will experience serious potential long – term effects of anxiety and panic disorder when left untreated. Serious educational or

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What changes in Americans values and lifestyles signaled the rise of Essay

What changes in Americans values and lifestyles signaled the rise of consumer culture - Essay Example In politics, consumerism has been applied to symbolize something quite diverse known as consumerist movement, consumer activism or consumer protection. This strives to inform and protect consumers by demanding practices like product guarantees, honest advertising and packaging, and better safety standards. Therefore, in politics consumerism is a set of rules that are aimed at regulating the methods, services, and products. In addition, they regulate the standards of advertisers, sellers, and manufacturers in the benefits of the buyer. In the economic domain, consumerism denotes to financial policies putting weight on consumption. In a theoretical sense, it is the deliberation that the free selection of consumers must strongly direct the selection by producers of what is manufactured, and thus direct the financial organization of a society. In this case, consumer culture articulates the idea not of one voice, one man, but of one voice, one dollar that might not reflect the contribution of an individual to society1. Since the completion of the twentieth century, the economics, politics, and culture of the American’s has been remodeled by the rapid increase of consumer culture. In what has been purported to be the progress of the vicarious leisure class, and its difference from the overall body of the employed class, orientation has been made to an additional division of labor between the dissimilar servant classes2. A single part of the servant class, mainly those individuals whose job is vicarious leisure, emanate to carry out a new, lesser range of responsibilities- the vicarious consumption of goods. The most common form where the consumption happens is viewed in the wearing of uniforms and the livelihood of capacious servant quarters3. A scarcer, less effective, less obstructive, and widely prevalent form of vicarious consumption is the clothing, food consumption, furniture and dwelling by the woman and the rest of the national establishment. Noticeable

Monday, October 14, 2019

Overview Of Mitsui OSK Lines Commerce Essay

Overview Of Mitsui OSK Lines Commerce Essay Introduction to Mitsui OSK lines Mitsui OSK lines (MOL) are a Japanese transport company which has wide range of business. OSK lines were a shipping company which was formed in 1884 and Mitsui was formed in 1942. During the major consolidation in Japanese shipping markets Mitsui OSK lines was formed in 1964, following the mergers of two companies OSK lines and Mitsui. (Mitsui OSK lines, 2010). After the formation in 1964 they launched specialised car carrier in 1965 and then full container ships in 1968. Later on they also entered the LNG market and also launched the double hull VLCC in 1995. As a strategy to expand their container services covering North America, Asia and Europe MOL joined a global merger know as The New world alliance (TNWA) with American president lines and Hyundai Merchant Marine. (Panama Canal authority, 2009). In one of the biggest mergers in Japan Mitsui OSK lines (2nd largest in Japan) merged with Navix lines (4th largest in Japan) in 1999. After the merger with Navix lines, MOL became one o f the biggest maritime carriers in the world (Japanese Times, 1998). The groups headquarters are in Tokyo, Japan. The company has in total 533 subsidiaries and affiliated companies in 66 countries with a consolidated work force of 39,864 employees (Annual report, 2009). Its main areas of operations are shipping and shipping related activities. Source: Mitsui OSK lines, 2010. As seen from the above chart MOL has a wide range of ships such as containers, pure car carriers, Bulk carriers, Tankers, LNG carriers, and others. MOLs core business segments are its bulk ships, container ships. (Mitsui OSK lines, 2010). In addition to ships they are in logistics services such as distribution and inventory control, air cargo transport, construction and engineering, real estate, trading and R D. (Mitsui OSK lines, 2010). MOL has 861 ships as of 31st March 2009 with a carrying capacity of 59,643 thousand tons. In terms of number of ships and deadweight MOL ranks the worlds largest shipping company in the world ahead of NYK and COSCO (Mitsui OSK lines, 2010). Source: Mitsui OSK lines, 2010. It has the largest Dry bulk fleet in the world with fleet size of 356 ships with a combined deadweight of 31026 million tons (Mitsui OSK lines, 2010). MOL is ranked first in terms of operation of LNG ships. Even after the financial crisis, the bunker prices at sky high rates and a strong yen in FY 2008 MOL posted their second highest annual income till date. This was more due to the strong performance in first half of 2008. Their revenue for FY 2008 was 18,994,218 thousand dollars with net income of 1292752 thousand dollars. Source: Mitsui OSK lines, 2010. Source: Mitsui OSK lines, 2010. Innovations and other activities In 2001 MOL launched its corporate principles to promote and protect our environment by maintaining strict, safe operation and navigation standards (Mitsui OSK lines, 2010, p.1). As per their principles they launched the 24hour manned (SOSC) Safety Operation Supporting Centre in the Head Office which monitors all MOL vessels position all around the world. MOL is also heavily involved in research and development. In December 2009 it displayed its concept of new generation vessels. The car carrier which is environment friendly they call it a HBRID car carrier, i.e. it uses renewable energy for ships electricity supply. The current president of MOL is Akimitsu says he want to create an excellent and resilient MOL group that contributes to sustainable worldwide growth (Ashida, 2009, p.1) HYBRID CAR CARRIER Source: Mitsui OSK lines, 2010. Theory of SWOT analysis W = WEAKNESS S = STRENGTH T = THREATS O = OPPORTUNITIY Source: Author generated The central purpose of SWOT analysis is to identify strategies that align, fit or match a companys resources and capabilities to the demands of the environment in which the company operates (Hill Jones, 2001). The true sense of SWOT analysis lies in its efficient use of rendering the company with its true picture of internal and external threats to the organisation. The predominant usage of SWOT is by bifurcating it into external and internal factors. Internal factor comprises of strengths and weakness of an organisation and the people who set the organisation standards. External factors are its opportunity and threats that are from its competitors and fellow companies. (Wang, 2008). True analysis helps the company set its agenda and helps excel to sustain in the competitive market. It is the model that helps it restructure the organisation to be able to sustain the competition. SWOT matrix can be used by managers to create various kinds of growth strategies. In the matrix there are four set of combinations which can be used. (Wang, 2008). SWOT MATRIX Opportunities EXTERNAL FACTORS WO SO ST WT Threats Strengths Weakness INTERNAL FACTORS SOURCE: Wang, 2008 SO: It is a combination of using strength of an organisation to grab the opportunities. ST: Using the strength of a company and company members to fight threats. Threats can be internal or external WO: This combination helps fight weakness to open up new opportunities. WT: Weakness and threats; these strategies are defensive in nature and helps to act in the positive direction to accomplish the set targets of the organisation. SWOT Analysis Strengths: Strong revenue growth: Its core shipping business is its bulk shipping. These are primary responsible for the growth of the company. It contributed to 86% of the revenue for the group. This increase in its major divisions will fuel the companys growth and will also help it in expanding its market share (Mitsui OSK lines, 2009). Diversified business portfolio: MOL has a diversified fleet ranging from ship operations to logistics. The logistics division of the fleet supports its shipping division. Due to its diversified fleet it can cope up with short term market fluctuations and also it can influence them. It also helps the group to enter into a market with wider customer base. (Mitsui OSK lines, 2009). Large fleet size: With respect to number of ships MOL has one of the largest fleet sizes. The group has the largest fleet of ships for Bulk and LNG. With this large fleet size it can service its customers better and also it improves the bargaining power in the market (Mitsui OSK lines, 2009). Weaknesses: Geographic concentration: MOLs main trade area is near the Japan coast and it is mainly catering to the Japanese market. For the FY 2007-2008 95% of its revenue was earned from the Japanese market. Over dependence on Japanese market makes its business risky as it is completely depend upon the economy of that country. It faces a competitive disadvantage over other companies due to its absence from the emerging markets in Asia. (Mitsui OSK lines, 2009). Economic downturn will affect the company as it is solely dependent upon Japanese markets. Slow growth and minimum profit margins in container market will affect the companys net income, due to the presence of container market drivers such as Maersk and MSC. High debt burden: MOL suffers from substantial Debt for the year ending 31st March 2009. As MOL has such a high debt it will affect on the groups capacity to obtain funds for future working capital, acquisitions etc. which will hamper the growth of the group (Mitsui OSK lines, 2009). Opportunities Growing volumes of container market: Due to globalisation container market will keep on growing at high rate. Hence they can enter into new trade routes in emerging markets such as Asia and Middle East (Mitsui OSK lines, 2009). Growing demand for natural gas transportation: The demand of natural gas will keep on increasing over the years as industrial, commercial and residential consumption will increase. MOL is already into natural gas transportation, they can benefit themselves with the growth in demand (Mitsui OSK lines, 2009). Well-timed fleet expansion: New regulations in Bulk shipping are coming, which are setting an upper limit on the age of the ships. MOL has got new fleet of carriers and also it can expand its current fleet and make the most of the situation. (Mitsui OSK lines, 2009). Threats Volatile oil prices: As MOL operates such a large fleet size fluctuation in the crude oil prices seriously affects the company. As the market is very competitive increased fuel prices burden cannot be passed on to the customer. This affects the companies operating expenses. (Mitsui OSK lines, 2009). Economic crisis is also a major concern due to major concentration of its trading in Japan. Competitive industry: There is a price war in between companies such as Maersk, NYK lines, MSC, Hanjin etc. Companies are coming up strategies such as low prices and faster delivery of goods. Hence the company has to make long term sustainability strategies which can help them stay in the market. (Mitsui OSK lines, 2009). MOL has a large fleet and in-spite of having policies, proper training and adequate precautions accidents are bound to happen. Oil spill accident can affect the companys image and can wipe out its business (Mitsui OSK lines, 2010). Global strategy Global strategy is a strategy which focuses on the world market and considers it to be a single market. This strategy is mainly adopted by companies which can compete on a global basis and their products are mainly standardized and offer services on a worldwide basis (Laudon Laudon, 2007). Global strategy is adopted mainly because of globalisation and liberalisation of trade all over the world. Some of the key drivers of globalisation are: There is a significant amount of reduction of barriers for trade in-between countries. The markets are liberalised and adoption of free market strategy. Industrialisation in developing nations such as India, China. Integration of world markets and cross border transactions have resulted in easy flow of capital. Technological advances are facilitating cross border trade and investments. The key participants in the global business are multinational enterprise (MNEs). MNE is a large company which have offices and subsidiary companies all over the world. Normally MNEs have inter-dependent members located all over the world, and all members work for a single system. MNEs normally carry out RD, manufacturing, procurement and marketing activities in whichever part of the world is economical for their business. Development of Information technology is giving the firms more flexibility to plan their global strategy. (Laudon and Laudon, 2007). Implementation of global strategy in a MNE is not easy at it seems. There is diversity in behaviour of people within countries. Companies when implementing their global strategies have to modify their strategies depending upon the regional markets. (Baird, 2003) Companies should also take into consideration regional differences, different life styles of people, cultures, and values. (Baird, 2003) In under-developed countries there may be other factors such as relation with government officials, language barriers lack of well trained people (Quickmba, 2007). Shipping by its nature is a globalised industry. Most of the large shipping companies operate on a global scale, and the above theory of global strategy fits perfectly for shipping lines. In terms of shipping global strategy means development of business through growth, acquisitions, alliances, creation of new capacity or a mix of all these things (Baird, 2003). The benefits to ship owners from a global strategy should be low cost and high efficiency. To gain the benefits of this strategy the key is to have a central decision making process which can handle such complex organisations (Baird, 2003). To gain competitive and comparative advantage over its rivals buying large vessels in the fleet such as containers or cape size bulk carriers is important. Mergers and alliance with companies is also a good option to increase the size of fleet and to share the risk (Baird, 2003). In container customer satisfaction is an important part of the business. (Baird, 2003) Hence companies tend to add value to their value chain by use of technology such as giving door-to-door service or by giving them faster service. MOL global strategy MOL is a shipping and transport company trading its ships all over the world. MOL has different types of ships and has offices and subsidiaries all over the world. MOL can be termed as a multinational enterprise. MOL launched its Mid-term management plan in 2007 known as MOL ADVANCE Action and Direction at the vanguard of creating excellence (Mitsui OSK lines, 2010).Their main theme is growth with enhance quality- Becoming the biggest and the best (Mitsui OSK lines, 2010,p.1). There are five overall strategies in the plan. One of the strategies in the plan is global strategy Their global strategy is to accelerate globalisation and enhance sales capabilities in emerging markets Develop business on a global scale to meet diversification of trade. To expand the business in emerging markets such as India, Middle east, Russia and Vietnam. To ensure that the fleet expansion is exceeding the growth of sea-borne trade. (Mitsui OSK lines, 2007, p.2). MOL in line with their global strategy has overcome their weakness by entering emerging markets in Asia and also has used their opportunities by investing in many projects such as the LNG market. Below are the detailed points mentioned how MOL has used their strengths, have tried to overcome their weakness, taken their opportunities and minimised threats. MOL expanded their fleet of ships from 2007 to 2009 by adding 196 ships, out of which 22 were container and 172 were bulkships. MOL is targeting the China markets which are importing iron ore from Brazil, Australia and India. Hence they are increasing their cape size bulk carrier fleet. With cape size ships such as Brasil Maru which are largest in the world, they get a competitive advantage in the cape size market. MOL will be building 53 iron ore carriers in future out of which 14 ships will be above 200 000 mt. (Nakanishi, 2008) MOL is also targeting the growth in the domestic coast trade in China and India which is expected to grow by 15% volume. (Open sea 2007) About 50% of small handy max and 20% of handy max fleet all over the world are 20 years and over. With strict regulations in force for old ships, joining of new ships in their fleet will add value to their fleet (Open sea 2007).This well timed expansion of new fleet will help the company to expand more in the bulk carrier market in the developing countries. Source: (Mitsui OSK lines, 2009). MOL will also launch their new class bulk carrier called Handy-Cape type which will be as per the specifications of the new widened Panama Canal. This will give them the versatility to serve ports all over the world (Mitsui OSK lines, 2010). In the container market they are expecting a steady rise in future, in-spite of the worse current market conditions. As a long term strategy they are ordering new container vessels as trade is going to increase because of globalisation and increase in population (Mitsui OSK lines, 2007). In order to increase its bulk fleet they are planning to take over few of the bulk shipping lines which went into bankruptcy because of recession. MOL recons that in-spite of having a high debt ratio funding will not be a problem due to its past record. MOL was one of the few companies which avoided the recession and posted profits in the FY ending 31st March 2009 (Seatrade Asia, 2009). To target the growing container market in India, MOL has just opened 6 new offices in India which will serve the container and car carrier business in India. These offices can respond faster to the needs of the customer and also provide them high service quality (Open Sea, 2007 Mitsui OSK lines, 2007). Global demand for LNG is going to increase many folds in the coming years. LNG will be used as alternative source of fuel as it emits less carbon dioxide than heavy oils. On basis of this future market MOL has grabbed the opportunity and placed order for 6 LNG carriers with an investment of 150 billion yen. (iStockAnalyst, 2010). MOL has launched its new LNG carriers which have a re-gasification system fitted on board. This system will give an advantage over conventional LNG ships as these ships can discharge cargo at off shore terminals. Hence when these ships will join the MOL fleet they will give a competitive advantage over other companies is terms of safety. (Mitsui OSK lines, 2010) MOL car carrier division is suffered losses because of the global recession. Hence in order to sustain in the market, MOL initiated downsizing plan, in which they scrapped 21 ships, sold 4 ships and sent 11 ships in cold layup. While they are scrapping ships they have launched a concept car carrier Hybrid carrier which uses renewable energy. (Mitsui OSK lines, 2010). As a strategy to boost up the market for car carriers MOL are going to transport machinery by dismantling them, and loading onto car carriers using Mafi-load trailers. Hence they are targeting heavy lift market by using car carriers and becoming Niche player. (Mitsui OSK lines, 2010) MOL will restructure its ship management companies so that they can meet the need of expanding fleet and global network. Six ship management companies will be restructured and they will be given individual responsibility as per the type of ship. The headquarters will stay in Tokyo. (MOL Inc, 2010). Source: (MOL Inc, 2010). Conclusion MOL launched its ADVANCE mid-term management strategy which covers the entire operations of MOL. Its global strategy for the next 5 years was to overcome its weakness and to make use of the new opportunities in the emerging markets. MOL has managed to sustain and make profits in the FY 2008 in-spite of economic downturn. This is mainly because of its diversified fleet and its core business which are its bulkships. It has success fully used its strengths to sustain in recession time. Its bulkships revenue has compensated for the loss making container and the car carrier divisions. To keep a strong hold on its bulkships, MOL is continuously striving hard by buying large new ships and phasing out the old ones. MOLs core business is secured and profit making, hence they can venture into other markets and overcome its weakness. MOL main weakness is its over reliance on the Japanese markets. It has overcome the weakness by marking its presence in the emerging markets in India and China. MOL is also increasing its LNG fleet to cope up with the rapid expanding LNG market and now it is the market leader in LNG transportation. MOL is also in the process of restructuring its ship-management offices, so as to keep up with the demands of growing company. With innovative designs for its car carriers and targeting heavy machinery market MOL is trying to gain a competitive advantage.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Things that Make a House a Home :: Personal Narrative Writing

The Things that Make a House a Home There are many wonderful places in the world to explore and live. Some travelers and adventurers have even said that they can feel the soul of the place that they go to visit or explore. Although many people disagree with these ideas, I know that they are true. Every place has a soul, but sometimes it is just harder to find in certain areas than others. One such area is the place where I was born and raised. That very special place is the Phoenix metro area. Being more specific, the area in which I am talking about is the lovely house that I grew up in. This house has been my residence for the last eleven years and represents the heart of my childhood because of the events that I was a part of and the memories that I received while living there. Many things have happened while I have been living at the house. I’ve watched myself grow grade by grade in school until finally I graduated and moved on to college. There have also been many changes to the house itself over the course of time. But though the years my family and I have all gotten used to living at this house and the things that go with it. The country music artist John Denver said in one of his most famous songs, â€Å" There are many things that make a house a home†. That statement is true, a house isn’t a home without the people that live and exist inside if it. When I moved into the house on 58th street and Mountain View, I was in the second grade. My twin sister and I were moving schools and it was a big point in my life. Until then, I had only known one house, one neighborhood, and one set of friends at school. And although we were only moving about three miles, the move placed us in a different school district. So, scared and uncertain, we started out at a new school. Like it usually was, it was very hard for a kid like me to find friends. But I had my sister as a companion and it was alright. Many afternoons I spent playing in the backyard with my sister and dog, and I had a great time.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Story of Richard Rodriguez Essays -- Immigration

Becoming an American requires adjustment to the English language and interacting with different people. In the essay â€Å"Aria: A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood,† Richard Rodriguez illustrates the distinctions between individual and social identity as a Mexican immigrant. He explains individual identity through the process of considering himself as an American citizen. Rodriguez also acknowledges the necessity of assimilating into the American culture and the consequences that follow. Rodriguez describes individual identity through the process of allowing himself to become a member of American society. As a child, Rodriguez did not consider himself an American, but he quickly realized he could not achieve individuality until he accepted himself as a citizen. Rodriguez states, â€Å"In public, by contrast, full individuality is achieved, paradoxically, by those who are able to consider themselves members of the crowd† (283). Rodriguez explains that to gain complete individual identity, a person must consider him or herself as part of the group or society. Because Rodriguez cannot consider himself as a citizen, he cannot appreciate the values and traits of other people within his community. Therefore, Rodriguez will not view other people’s perspectives to acquire more knowledge about the society around him or seek out who he is to become a unique individual. Another example of how Rodriguez illustrates individuality by becoming a member of the American society occurs when he is able to seek the tools needed to speak English. Rodriguez writes, â€Å"Only when I was able to think of myself as an American, no longer an Alien in gringo society, could I seek the rights and opportunities necessary for full public individuality† (284). When Rodriguez ... ...izes that it will not be easy to hear his â€Å"intimate family voices† (284). Rodriguez explains the consequences of assimilation through social identity. Rodriguez acknowledges individuality by regarding himself as an American citizen. He also acknowledges social identity by viewing how he and his parents go through a difficult time learning English to communicate within their neighborhood. In addition, Rodriguez notices social identity when he is finally confident to speak the English language. In the end, the struggles Rodriguez experiences while adjusting to the American society only make him a stronger and triumphant individual. Work Cited Rodriguez, Richard. â€Å"Aria: A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood.† The Arlington Reader Contexts and Connections. Ed. Lynn Z. Bloom And Louise Z. Smith. 3rd ed. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin’s, 2011. 275-84. Print.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Managing Conbini- Case Study Custom Research by Essay Writers

Culturally speaking, Japanese consumers have an interest in utilizing American inventions because of an overall desire to capture the flavor and feel of Western culture, as Japanese citizens experience the joy of having disposable income to purchase goods   that they are seeing for the first time in many cases (Ellington, 1992).   Specifically in the instance of the American convenience store concept, the popularity of it in Japan, beyond the cultural associations, also has a practical element to it, as space in Japan is at a premium, which makes it difficult and impractical for the average Japanese to store lots of consumer goods in their homes.   Therefore, the convenience store allows them to quickly obtain needed items if they cannot be kept on hand at home. Evolution of the Original Concept of the Convenience Store Space is at a premium in Japan, and retail stores are no exception.   Even the Conbini (convenience store) lacks enough shelf space to display all of the goods that are offered.   Because of this, the original concept of the convenience store has evolved through the use of e-commerce; for example, in the Conbini, Internet terminals exist whereby the customer can order products and have the products delivered to their homes.   This allows for the offering of many goods in a limited space environment. Aside from the obvious convenience and product availability that Conbini provides to the Japanese consumer, there is another important aspect of Conbini that the Japanese particularly like, which can be found in the e-commerce element of the stores themselves.   Because many Japanese do not have Internet access in their homes, the possibility of buying online from the terminal at Conbini is very appealing (Bloomberg Business News, 2004). What Other Kinds of New Products/Services Could be Introduced in the Conbini? How Should the New Offerings be Distributed? Conbini represents an excellent opportunity to introduce new products/services.   Because of the space crunch in Japan, there exists a promising opportunity for the provision of the kinds of entertainment (DVDs, videocassettes, etc) that previously required large retail spaces, but can be ordered using the Internet technology that now exists. These new product/services should be distributed via home delivery due to the convenience and practical considerations that are dictated by the space restrictions that exist in Japan itself. Technology can also play a bigger key role.   The Conbini innovations in E-commerce could be adapted to E-tailing in the United States in many ways, and have been to some extent in the past, evidenced by American retailers like Circuit City, which has embraced the Internet as a sales tool and used it to rescue the firm from low profits over the past 5 years or so (Bhatnagar, 2004). To strictly follow the Conbini model, the typical American convenience store could reduce the costs associated with huge retail locations by utilizing Internet technology as Conbini has to make convenience stores smaller and more cost/space efficient.   Given certain concerns in the United States at this time as well, Conbini models can reduce the crime associated with the typical American convenience store and conserve natural resources by disturbing less land and using less utilities and building materials. References (Bhatnagar P 2004 Circuit City-No More Excuses)Bhatnagar, P. (2004). Circuit City-No More Excuses. CNN, , . Retrieved September 10, 2006, from Money Magazine and CNN Web Site: (Bloomberg Business News 200404 Japan's Convenience Stores add E-Commerce to Milk and Management)Bloomberg Business News. (2004, April). Japan's Convenience Stores add E-Commerce to Milk and Management. Retrieved September 10, 2006, from CNET News Web Site:,39042972,13027570,00.htm (Indiana University Clearinghouse For US-Japan Studies 1992 Japanese-U.S. Economic Relations)Indiana University Clearinghouse For U.S.-Japan Studies/Lucien Ellington, author (1992). Japanese-U.S. Economic Relations. Japan Digest, 4(2002), .      

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Romeo and Juliet : the Deaths of Mercutio and Tybalt

Romeo and Juliet: Act 3, Scene 2 The deaths of Mercutio and Tybalt| In the greatest play of all time â€Å"The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet† by William Shakespeare, tells the story of two star-crossed lovers who take their own lives. In Act 3, scene 1 while Mercutio and Benvolio are joking around they are interrupted by some Capulets including Tybalt, who is looking for Romeo. When Romeo arrives he tries to make peace with Tybalt, but Mercutio feeling his friend has been insulted challenges Tybalt to fight. Romeo tries to stop the fight between the two men and Mercutio is wounded.As he dies, Mercutio curses both houses. Romeo furious by his friends death turns and attacks Tybalt killing him. When the prince arrives, Benvolio tells everything that had happen. As a punishment for the death of his dear cousin the prince banishes Romeo, saying that he will be killed within the hour if he is found in Verona. The people who are the most to blame for the deaths of Tybalt and Mercutio are the Capulets and the Montagues. Both houses, The Montagues and The Capulets are to blame for the deaths.For example in the prologue of act 1 scene ,line 3 it states â€Å"From Ancient grudge break to new mutiny† A families old hatred will still affect lives today. This quote proves that both houses don’t like each other and over the years hate has been building up affecting others lives. Another example would be found in Act 3, Scene 1, and Line 100, â€Å"A plague on both of your houses! They have made worms meat of me. I have it, and soundly too. Your houses! † this quote says that Mercutio blames both houses for his death saying you have made worms meat out of me.This quote shows that everyone blames both families for anything that has happen to them. In conclusion both the Montagues and the Capulets are to blame. Both houses are responsible for the deaths of Tybalt and Mercutio. With all of their constant fighting and hate building up on top of hate they are bound to be doomed. If the Capulets and the Montagues don’t make up now later on the will have to pay a huge price. They may have thought the Prince’s declaration was worse they would just have to keep on acting like a bunch of children and their actions would soon come back to haunt them.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Cause and Effect Essay (Smoking Cigarettes) Essay

â€Å"Each year, an estimated 443,000 people die prematurely from smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke, and another 8.6 million live with a serious illness caused by smoking†(Mehta). One of the most common problems today that are killing people, all over the world, is smoking. Many people start this horrible habit because of stress, personal issues and high blood pressure. Some people began showing off or some people wanted to enjoy it . One cigarette can result in smoking others, which can lead to major addiction. When someone smokes a cigarette they are not only hurting themselves, but are also hurting others around them. Smoking affects the body by turning the skin color yellow, producing an odor, and making the skin age faster. â€Å"Smoking also causes diseases such as coronary heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung cancer†(Mehta). Not long ago smoking was considered a casual past time with people smoking in restaurants and around childre n but now we know the consequences can now be dire to the environment, your health, and the others around you. The smoking addiction is quite the costly habit. In many cities, a pack of cigarettes costs close to $10. For the two pack per day smoker, this averages more than $500 per month. This sort of expense can be eliminated from one’s life thus causing one to have a much more flexible budget. The costs of smoking, however, is not limited only to one’s bank account. The costs of smoking has a great impact on one’s health also. When people are addicted, they have a compulsive need to seek out and use a substance, even when they understand the harm it can cause. â€Å"Someone who is addicted to cigarette smoking smokes two or more packs per day, anywhere and for more than a few years† (Lee). It is actually the nicotine in tobacco that is addictive. â€Å"Each cigarette contains about 10 milligrams of nicotine. Because the smoker inhales only some of the smoke from a cigarette, and not all of each puff is absorbed in the lungs, a smoker gets about 1 to 2 milligrams of the drug from each cigarette†( Mehta). Although that may not seem like much, it is enough to create an addiction. Nicotine is only one of more than 4,000 chemicals, many of which are poisonous, found in the smoke from tobacco products. Cigarettes poison the body both physically and mentally and also have social effects. Smoking can lead to social problems because it causes bad breath, and odorous smell and often isolation. Every time the smoker speaks, a pungent smell emanates from the mouth and towards the listener. Smoking also causes a pungent smell to linger on the body and clothes of the smoker. The smoking smell is very strong and it affects the listener. The smoke attaches to the body of the smoker. Smoking is not only dangerous to your well being but also the health of others and the environment. When you breathe in smoke that comes from the end of a lit cigarette, cigar, or pipe that is exhaled by a smoker, you’re inhaling almost the same amount of chemicals as the smoker breathes in. â€Å"Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 different chemical compounds, more than 50 of which are known to cause cancer† (Shields ). These are just a few of the chemicals that float into your lungs when you are exposed to secondhand smoke Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body. Some of these harmful effects are immediate. Nicotine addiction is hard to beat because it changes your brain. The brain develops extra nicotine receptors to accommodate the large doses of nicotine from tobacco. When the brain stops getting the nicotine it’s used to, the result is nicotine withdrawal. A person may feel anxious, irritable, and have strong cravings for nicotine. Smoking takes a toll on one’s mouth. Smokers have more oral health problems than non-smokers, such as mouth sores, ulcers and gum disease. Smokers are also more likely to get cancers of the mouth and throat. Smoking can cause the skin to be dry and lose elasticity, leading to wrinkles and stretch marks. The skin tone may become dull and grayish. By one’s early 30s, wrinkles can begin to appear around the mouth and eyes, causing drastic aging. Smoking raises your blood pressure and puts stress on your heart. Over time, stress on the heart can wea ken it, making it less able to pump blood to other parts of the body. Carbon monoxide from inhaled cigarette smoke also contributes to a lack of oxygen, making the heart work even harder. This increases the risk of heart disease, including heart attacks. Smoking effects the body by turning the skin color yellow, producing an odor, and making the skin age more. Smoking is considered as one of the most dangerous habits of an individual. â€Å"20% of persons living in the United States still smoke, and smoking remains the number one cause of preventable mortality† (Tolstrup). There are numerous harmful as well as dangerous effects related to smoking. Carbon monoxide and nicotine in cigarette smoke has been related to several adverse impacts on the lungs and heart. Smoking causes damage to the internal body, causing alterations to the quality of internal organs. For example, smoking affects the lung by damaging the air sac. Damaging the air sac limits the passageway of air, and progressively leads to emphysema. Smoking also leads to the increased probability of cancer, such as lung cancer and heart failure. Ultimately, reliance on smoking damages the human body, causing more susceptibility to diseases. â€Å"Smoking is a major risk factor for heart disease.†(Shields). Carbon monoxide and nicotine both put a strain on the heart by making it work faster. They also increase your risk of blood clots. Other chemicals in cigarette smoke damage the lining of your coronary arteries, leading to furring of the arteries. If you smoke, you increase your risk of developing heart disease. â€Å"Smoking cigarettes is harmful to health†(Lee), that is a warming sentence which shown on pack of cigarettes. Therefore, the effects of smoking cigarettes on human’s life are serious. Smoking has become a trend in today’s world, even though people know how harmful it is. Smoking causes are obvious it will ruin your health and give you series of health issues. Smoking affects not only you but other around you. It is terrible for health as well as personal appearance. In the end, those who choose to smoke and the others around them are affected the most by this life threatening activity. Smoking is a habit which individuals find difficult to quit. Both the causes and effects of smoking has hazardous outcomes that are preventable. The thorough understanding of the chemical as well as smoking internal and external effects of the body are important in order to to battle the issue facing the entire nation. Works Cited Lee, Joann, and Bonnie L. Halpern-Felsher. â€Å"What Does It Take To Be A Smoker? Adolescents’ Characterization Of Different Smoker Types.† Nicotine & Tobacco Research 13.11 (2011): 1106-1113. Consumer Health Complete – EBSCOhost. Web. 4 Apr. 2014. Mehta, Neil, and Samuel Preston. â€Å"Continued Increases In The Relative Risk Of Death From Smoking.† American Journal Of Public Health 102.11 (2012): 2181-2186. Business Source Complete. Web. 4 Apr. 2014. Shields, Margot, and Kathryn Wilkins. â€Å"Smoking, Smoking CessationSmoking Cessation And Heart Disease Risk: A 16-Year Follow-Up Study.† Health Reports 24.2 (2013): 12-22. Consumer Health CompleteComplete – EBSCOhost. Web. 4 Apr. 2014. Tolstrup, Janne S., et al. â€Å"Smoking And Risk Of Coronary Heart Disease In Younger, Middle-Aged, And Older Adults.† American Journal Of Public Health 104.1 (2014): 96-102. Business Source Complete. Web. 3 Apr. 2014.