Saturday, August 10, 2019

Million American Jobs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Million American Jobs - Essay Example Therefore, the parents and educators could do a much better job of guiding kids into fields where the jobs are, which would raise the payback for getting a college degree and encourage more to attend. Colleges could help by offering more three-year programs and other ways to cut costs.† (Newman, 2011) III. Help small businesses find foreign customers.Ordinarily, small business can go global by finding foreign markets for theirproducts.However this is usually hard for the small businesses who usually target the local market. With the advancement of technology small business can reach global markets by the use of digital marketing. There are now more business connection networks that help in advertising. Therefore this breakthrough of sales makes many to have trust in the business and thus venture upon it creating employment. IV. The state should welcome more immigrants and investors.†Foreigners who want to come to America get an undeserved bad rap. Immigrants create businesses at a higher rate than home-grown Americans and make an important contribution to the economy. To address concerns about low-wage illegals, new policies could allow well-educated foreigners to stay in the country after earning a degree, or offer citizenship in exchange for a commitment to start a business or buy a house. â€Å" (Newman,

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