Thursday, August 8, 2019

Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lab Report Example inch from the bottom of the crucible and it was isolated with the help of a glass fiber to make the cooling process of the sample retard. This gave the experimenter enough time to collect the data required (the change of temperature versus time). Every 5 seconds, the temperature was noted until the sample of melted Tin reached a temperature near 150C (10C above the freezing point of pure Tin) in order to prevent the thermocouple sheath from freezing. After the data was collected, a plot of temperature versus time was developed. The plot took the form of a curve, which is the Tin-cooling curve. The curve shows the cooling process,. Abstract: This experiment was directed at determining the melting point of pure Tin. For this purpose, a ceramic crucible containing pure Tin was heated in a furnace up to the temperature that was expectedly above the melting point of pure Tin. Once that was achieved, the sample of liquid Tin was put into a container that was filled with sand. A thermocoupl e sheath was placed into the melted Tin and was isolated with the help of a glass fiber. This retarded the cooling process of the sample of Tin and provided the experimenter with enough time to collect all of the required data (the change of temperature versus time).

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