Friday, April 3, 2020

This American Life Take a Negro Home

This episode consists of three parts. The prologue contains an excerpt from a newspaper article aimed at showing that racial integration is not possible. Such articles were often published by many journalists in Southern parts of the United States. In particular, they were supposed to demonstrate that the segregation of white and black people had been inevitable.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on This American Life: Take a Negro Home specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The second part describes the experiences of an interracial family that later. By looking at the life of these people, one can see that racial differences do not affect the relationships between spouses. Possible difficulties can be explained by social expectations that are set for representatives of a certain race. Moreover, one should not forget about the role of prejudices and stereotypes existing in the community. In turn, the third part of thi s program is related to the life of Cedric Jennings, an African-American student who was accepted to a prestigious university. His narrative shows that African Americans have to struggle with educational inequalities and it is difficult for them to climb the social ladder. The issues examined in this episode do not impact me directly; however, I do not know some black people who are affected by the legacies of racial segregation. For instance, they can be marginalized by their peers provided that they strive to excel in their academic studies. To some degree, their experiences are similar to the difficulties faced by Cedric Jennings. This episode has produced several effects on me. First of all, I can now better appreciate the problems faced by African-American people. Moreover, I will pay more attention to various aspects of interracial integration. In my opinion, it is not possible to turn a blind eye to this problem. So, this episode changed some of my attitudes. To some degree, this episode can change the way in people perceive racial differences or address various problems that are related to this issue. In particular, this program demonstrates that despite racial distinctions, people have the same value systems, priorities, or goals. Secondly, this radio program can highlight the difficulties faced by African Americans, especially at the time when they attempt to cross the so-called color line. Thus, this episode can change the values and attitudes of many people. Apart from that, this episode can have some impact on the educational policies of the state. Certainly, the impact of a radio broadcast cannot be easily identified or measured. Yet, this episode may prompt people to think more about the legacies of racial segregation and re-evaluate many of their worldviews. This is one of the arguments that can be made.Advertising Looking for assessment on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are several ways in which the society can resolve the issues discussed in this episode. First of all, it is necessary to refute the stereotypes according to which interracial integration is impossible. In many cases, such prejudices are not expressed openly, but they affect the decisions and attitudes of many individuals. For instance, many people cannot accept the idea of interracial marriage. This goal can be achieved if parents and educators highlight the need to disregard racial distinctions. One should not forget about the economic aspects of this issue. The policy-makers and legislators should focus on educational and employment opportunities. They should remember that upward social mobility is possible only when a person has necessary knowledge and skills that help him/her pursue an academic or professional career. These are the main issues that can be identified. This assessment on This American Life: Take a Negro Home was written and submitted by user Noah Castro to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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