Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Problem Of Prison Facilities Essay - 1362 Words

It is a well know issue in America that our prisons are overcrowding. In 2010 it was estimated that our country s prison facilities were 25% over capacity. This included 19 states with prisons that were found overpopulated. The dilemma has numerous negative impacts. Some results in overpopulating consists of unhealthy living situations that do not meet the basic living needs of inmates, an increase in recidivism rates and an increase in taxes. At Touro University, Michael Ruderman, a doctoral student in medicine and public health, conducted a study that proved overcrowding can expose prison inmates to additional psychosocial stress and poor addiction treatment. These can are some of the leading causes in making people more prone to impulsive behavior, aggression, and drug use. It can take months for an inmate to receive medical attention once imprisoned, which can cause lack of needs to medication. Michael Ruderman, the Touro University doctoral student in medicine and public health who conducted the study, explained the findings by saying that overcrowding might expose prison inmates to added â€Å"psychosocial stress† and poor addiction treatment, both of which are known to make people more prone to impulsive behavior, aggression, and drug use. His study proved that, statistically, inmates released from overcrowded prisons failed to follow the restrictions and demands of probation and parole. With more and more inmates imprisoned each year, American citizens have to put moreShow MoreRelatedPrivate Prisons1166 Words   |  5 PagesRunning head: PRISON PRIVATIZATION 1 An Assessment of Prison Privatization Sharon Baumann-Heller ORG 8575 Michael Mills August 12, 2012 PRISON PRIVATIZATION 2 Abstract Over-crowding in our federal, state, and local prisons, along with a depressed economy, has resulted in a trend toward privatization of these facilities. 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